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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
18961 저널기사 �crivains du Maroc/ 미리보기
Kha�r-Eddine, Mohammed NRF 2001
18962 저널기사 �crivains du Mexique (fin)/ 미리보기
Arreola, Juan Jos� NRF 2001
18963 저널기사 �crivains du Mexique (I)/ 미리보기
Castaㄲn, Adolfo NRF 2000
18964 저널기사 �Crystallin Acting as a Molecular Chaperonin Against Photodamage by UV Irradiation 미리보기
Lee, J.-S Plenum Press 1980
18965 저널기사 �-Crystallin TATA Sequence Mutations: Lens-Preference for the Proximal TATA Box and the Distal TATA-like Sequence in Transgenic Mice 미리보기
Haynes, J. I Academic Press 1980
18966 저널기사 �Cyclodextrin as a restricted access mobile phase for reversed-phase liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection of phenolic compounds 미리보기
Garcia Sanchez, F Elsevier Pub. Co 1996
18967 저널기사 �Cyclodextrin-Modified Diphosphanes as Ligands for Supramolecular Rhodium Catalysts 미리보기
Reetz, M. T VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
18968 저널기사 �- Decay and Cosmic-Ray Half-Life of ^5^4Mn 미리보기
Kibedi, T Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
18969 저널기사 �Decay of Deformed Actinide Nuclei 미리보기
Stewart, T. L American Physical Society 1980
18970 저널기사 �Dimers of End-Capped Oligopyrrole Cation Radicals 미리보기
Van Haare, J. A. E. H VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
18971 저널기사 �D Integrin Displaces the �A Isoform in Striated Muscles: Localizationat Junctional Structures and Signaling Potential in Nonmuscle Cells 미리보기
Belkin, A. M Rockefeller University Press 1980
18972 저널기사 �D-Mannosidase from Capsicum annuum 미리보기
Priya Sethu, K. M Pergamon Press 1997
18973 저널기사 �Donor Bonds in Compounds Containing SiON Fragments 미리보기
Mitzel, N. W VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
18974 저널기사 �dystrobrevin, a member of the dystrophin-related protein family 미리보기
Blake, D. J National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
18975 저널기사 �Dystrobrevin, a New Member of the Dystrophin Family. Identification, Cloning, and Protein Associations 미리보기
Peters, M. F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
18976 저널기사 �Effect with Substituted N-Methylbenzohydroxamates and Substituted Phenyldimethylsulfonium Salts: Toward Understanding of an Intrinsic �Effect 미리보기
Fountain, K. R American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
18977 저널기사 �E Is an Essential Sigma Factor in Escherichia coli 미리보기
De las Pe�s, A American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
18978 저널기사 �Elimination of O-Glycans from Glycoproteins Transferred to Immobilon PMembranes: Method and Some Applications 미리보기
Duk, M Academic Press 1980
18979 저널기사 �Endorphin Enhances Concanavalin-A-Stimulated Calcium Mobilization by Murine Splenic T Cells 미리보기
Shahabi, N. A Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 1980
18980 저널기사 �Endosulfine Is a Novel Molecule, Structually Related to a Family of Phosphoproteins 미리보기
Peyrollier, K Academic Press 1980
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