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1 저널기사 1989 and All That 미리보기
Tucker, Robert W. Council on Foreign Relations 1990
2 저널기사 21st Century Capitalism 미리보기
Cooper, Richard Council on Foreign Relations 1994
3 저널기사 9/11 and After - Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires - The first engagement in the new war on terrorism -- With Osama bin Ladin in Afghanistan -- Poses severe challenges for the United States. Rooting out bin Ladin's network will require military success in a country that the Soviet Union could not conquer in ten years of trying, as well as support from unstable surrounding nations. Washington may be tempted to try to oust the Taliban regime, but doing so could rekindle Afghanistan's brutal civil war. The United States must proceed with caution -- Or end up on the ash heap of Afghan history./ 미리보기
Bearden, Milton Council on Foreign Relations] 2001
4 저널기사 9/11 And after - America's Real Russian Allies - September's attacks initiated a new era of world politics. As Washington scrambles to build its antiterror coalition, it may be tempted to overlook the antidemocratic excesses of its partners. But this would be a mistake, especially when it comes to Russia. Fortunately, recent poll data reveal an unlikely American ally: The Russian masses, who have grown fiercely democratic and will resist any slide toward autocracy. For more on these and related subjects, visit our Web site at www.foreignaffairs.org./ 미리보기
Colton, Timothy J Council on Foreign Relations] 2001
5 저널기사 9/11 And after - Preparing for the Next Attack - As Washington was fretting about ballistic missiles, 19 hijackers used commercial airliners to kill more Americans than had died in any previous attack in the country's history. And there could be worse to come. The United States is the target of a few hostile nations and well-organized terrorist groups, some of them state-sponsored. They understand that nuclear or biological weapons could do the job even better. To meet these new threats, Washington must pursue three simultaneous strategies: Prevention, deterrence, and defense. Missile defense is not the whole answer -- And it could even become part of the problem./ 미리보기
Perry, William J Council on Foreign Relations] 2001
6 저널기사 9/11 and After - The Sentry's Solitude - The American imperium in the Arab-Muslim world has hatched a monster; primacy has begotten its nemesis. Pax Americana is here to stay -- But so too is the resistance to it, the uneasy mix in those lands of the need for the foreigner's order and the urge to lash out against it. George W. Bush, who grew up far removed from foreign places, must now take his country on a journey into an alien and difficult world./ 미리보기
Ajami, Fouad Council on Foreign Relations] 2001
Garten, Jeffrey E. Council on Foreign Relations 1992
8 저널기사 The 1988 Election 미리보기
Ornstein, Norman J. Council on Foreign Relations 1988
