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121 저널기사 *BROMLEY (DANIEL W.). Environment and Economy: Property Right and Public Policy 미리보기
Pearce, D. W. ;; unknown 1992
122 저널기사 *BUITER (WILLEM H.). International Macroeconomics 미리보기
John Hudson;; unknown 1990
123 저널기사 *BUITER (WILLEM H.). Macroeconomic Theory and Stabilization Policy 미리보기
John Hudson ;; unknown 1990
124 저널기사 *BUITER (WILLEM H.). Principles of Budgetary and Financial Policy 미리보기
John Hudson;; unknown 1990
125 저널기사 *CARAVALE (G.A.), Marx and Modern Economic Analysis: Volume I: Values, Prices and Exploitation 미리보기
King, John E;; unknown 1992
126 저널기사 *CHATTERJI (MANAS ) and KUENNE (ROBERT E. ), (Eds). Dynamics and Conflict in Regional Structural Change : Essays in Honour of Walter Isard, Volume 2 미리보기
Button, Kenneth J.;; unknown 1992
127 저널기사 *CHOI (YOUNG BACK). Paradigms and Conventins: Uncertainty, Decision Making, and Entrepreneurship 미리보기
Cubitt Robin;; unknown 1995
128 저널기사 *CORNET (BERNARD) and YULKENS (HEYRY), (Eds) Contributions to Operations 미리보기
Cripps, Martin;; unknown 1992
129 저널기사 *CORNWALL (JOHN) , The Theory of Economic Breakdown 미리보기
Boltho,Andrea;; unknown 1992
130 저널기사 *CSABA (LASZLO). Eastern Europe in the World Economy 미리보기
Belka, Marek ;; unknown 1992
131 저널기사 *CUNNINGHAM WOOD (JOHN), (Ed). Adam Smith. Critical assessments. vol. I-4 미리보기
Andrew Skinner ;; unknown 1985
132 저널기사 *DAVIDSON (LOUISE),(Ed). Inflation, Open Economies and Resources: The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson, Volume 2 미리보기
Gerrard, Bill;; unknown 1992
133 저널기사 *DAVIDSON (LOUISE),(Ed). Money and Employment: The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson, Volume 1 미리보기
Gerrard, Bill ;; unknown 1992
134 저널기사 *DOWD (KEVIN). The State and the Monetary System 미리보기
Sheila Dow ;; unknown 1990
135 저널기사 *EL-AGRAA (A. M.), (Ed). Economics of the European Community: Third Edition 미리보기
Yannopoulos, G. N. ;; unknown 1992
136 저널기사 *ELSTER (JON). Nuts and Bolts: For the Social Sciences 미리보기
Alexander Rosenberg;; unknown 1990
137 저널기사 *ELSTER (JON). Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality 미리보기
Alexander Rosenberg;; unknown 1990
138 저널기사 *ELSTER (JON). The Cement of Society: A Study of Social Oder 미리보기
Alexander Rosenberg;; unknown 1990
139 저널기사 *FEIWEL (GEORGE R.),(Ed.). Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory 미리보기
Kregel Jan;; unknown 1989
140 저널기사 *FELDMAN (GERALD D.) et al. (Eds). The Experience of Inflation. International and Comparative Studies 미리보기
Leonard Schwarz;; unknown 1985
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