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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Depressionon both sides of the Iron Curtain 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1982
2 저널기사 Gilded youth gone 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1984
3 저널기사 Letter form chicafo:Unification by catastrophe 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
4 저널기사 Letter form chicago: Hearts form monkeys and machines 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1985
5 저널기사 Letter form Chicago:Hidden dangers everywhere 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
6 저널기사 Letter form chicago:In black and pathless woods 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
7 저널기사 Letter form chicago:Strangers at the gates 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1984
8 저널기사 Letter form Chicago:Swallowing th golden ball 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
9 저널기사 Letter form chicago:Winter's tales. 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
10 저널기사 Letter forom Chicago:Facts 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1984
11 저널기사 Letter from Chicafo:The locker room and the dictors' lounge 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
12 저널기사 Letter from Chicage:No bed of reses 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1981
13 저널기사 Letter from Chicago 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1985
14 저널기사 Letter from Chicago 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1982
15 저널기사 Letter from Chicago : Below the diaphragram and above 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1983
16 저널기사 Letter from Chicago: Beyond the etheric 미리보기
DUNEA, GEORGE British Medical Association 1982
17 저널기사 Letter from Chicago:Birthdays in Jannuary 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1982
18 저널기사 Letter from Chicago:Centenary 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1984
19 저널기사 Letter from Chicago:Christmas letter 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1985
20 저널기사 Letter from Chicago : Competition 미리보기
DUNEA,GEORGE British Medical Association 1981
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