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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Green College Lectures:Educating the doctor:postgraduate, vocational, and continuing education/ 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1985
2 저널기사 Letters form Chicaro:More about general practice. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
3 저널기사 Letters ot a Young Doctor: Overseas doctors 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
4 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Applying for jobs. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
5 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Arraning for study leave. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
6 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor: Becoming a consultant:other considerations 미리보기
RHODES,PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
7 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor: Careers outside hospioal and genaral practice 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
8 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Choosing to become a consultant 미리보기
RHODES,PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
9 저널기사 Letters to a young Doctor:choosing to become a genaral practitioner. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
10 저널기사 Letters to a young Doctor:Community physician's taska. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
11 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctore:Part time work for women. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
12 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Evaluating preregistration posts 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
13 저널기사 Letters to a young Doctor:Examinations. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
14 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Finding a preregistration post 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
15 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Finishing up the preregistration year 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
16 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor: interviews:sell youself. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
17 저널기사 Letters to a young doctor: Interviews:what happens. 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
18 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:"Know then thyself" 미리보기
RHODES,PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
19 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor:Moving up the registrar ladder 미리보기
RHODES,PHILIP British Medical Association 1982
20 저널기사 Letters to a Young Doctor: Postgraduate education in general practice 미리보기
RHODES, PHILIP British Medical Association 1983
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