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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A score of MPs debate Griffiths 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
2 저널기사 BMA explains its reservations on Griffiths 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
3 저널기사 Colorful language in the Commons 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
4 저널기사 Crumbling showpiece hospitals 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
5 저널기사 Data protection:doctors and ministers disagree 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
6 저널기사 Delay and persuade 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
7 저널기사 Four million patients who failed to attend 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
8 저널기사 General practice:consultation not confrontation 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
9 저널기사 Government's spending plans until 1987 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
10 저널기사 Governments to control "parallel imports" of drugs 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
11 저널기사 Monitoring future activities of FPCs 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
12 저널기사 More attacks on government's NHS spending plans 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
13 저널기사 Mrs Short "far from pleased" on Griffiths 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
14 저널기사 Mrs Short gives Griffiths short shrift 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
15 저널기사 NHS managers, deputising, FPCs, and early retirement 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
16 저널기사 Party difference over independence of FPC's 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
17 저널기사 Private prctice under Labour 미리보기
RUSSEL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
18 저널기사 Short to study griffiths 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
19 저널기사 Welcome truce over deputising 미리보기
RUSSEL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
