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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A compassionate rag bag of a Bill 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
2 저널기사 "A firm and final list" by 1 April 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1985
3 저널기사 A hawk takes over at the DHSS 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1981
4 저널기사 All change at the DHSS 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
5 저널기사 All set for strife-torn August 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
6 저널기사 A virility test for the Tories? 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
7 저널기사 A week of hectoring the NHS 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
8 저널기사 Battle success for Mr Fowler 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
9 저널기사 Bending to vested interests over Greenfield? 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
10 저널기사 BMA and DHSS back on an even keel? 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1985
11 저널기사 BMA lobbying pays off:medical records protected. 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
12 저널기사 BMA wins concesions on Police Bill 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
13 저널기사 Couple of cats among the pigeons 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1981
14 저널기사 Danger of Police Bill 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
15 저널기사 Decoding the Queen's Speech 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1981
16 저널기사 DHSS's "absolute"determination on a limited list 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1984
17 저널기사 Doctors and health authorities blamed for manpower imbalance 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1985
18 저널기사 Drug addicts unwelcome patients, MPs told. 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1985
19 저널기사 Drug costs;unemployment;illness in the Falkands 미리보기
RUSSELL,WILLIAM British Medical Association 1982
20 저널기사 Effect of restraints 미리보기
RUSSELL, WILLIAM British Medical Association 1983
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