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1900 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Adult intussusception/ 미리보기
Haas, E. M Louis F. LeJacq 1900
62 저널기사 Adult victims of sexual assault: acute medical response and police reporting among women consulting a center for victims of sexual assault/ 미리보기
Schei, B Munksgaard [etc.] 1900
63 저널기사 Advanced computational techniques for re-sequencing DNA with polymerase signaling assay arrays/ 미리보기
Pe er, I Information Retrieval Limited 1900
64 저널기사 Advanced maternal age parturient: Is there reason for concern?/ 미리보기
Kuczkowski, K. M Munksgaard [etc.] 1900
65 저널기사 Advanced Simulation Model for Brushless DC Motor Drives/ 미리보기
Lee, B.-K Taylor and Francis 1900
66 저널기사 Adverse pregnancy outcomes in snuff users/ 미리보기
England, L. J C.V. Mosby Co 1900
67 저널기사 A fast, high-order method for scattering by inhomogeneous media in three dimensions/ 미리보기
Hyde, E. M North-Holland 1900
68 저널기사 a-Fetoprotein positively regulates cytochrome c-mediated caspase activation and apoptosome complex formation/ 미리보기
Semenkova, L Springer-Verlag 1900
69 저널기사 A Fresh Look at ASTM G 1-90 Solution Recommended for Cleaning of Corrosion Products Formed on Iron and Steels/ 미리보기
Singh, D. D. N National Association of Corrosion Engineers] 1900
70 저널기사 A Fuzzy Method for Rotor Time Constant Estimation for High-Performance Induction Motor Vector Control/ 미리보기
Zidani, F Taylor and Francis 1900
71 저널기사 A Game-Theoretic Rationale for Vagueness/ 미리보기
De Jaegher, K D. Reidel Pub. Co 1900
72 저널기사 Age and racial/ethnic differences in maternal, fetal, and placental conditions in laboring patients/ 미리보기
Gregory, K. D C.V. Mosby Co 1900
73 저널기사 Age, education and test performance on the Finnish CERAD/ 미리보기
Karrasch, M Munksgaard 1900
74 저널기사 Age Estimation Using Radiographic Analysis of Laryngeal Cartilage/ 미리보기
de la Grandmaison, G. L Raven Press [etc.] 1900
75 저널기사 A general representation theorem for partially ordered commutative rings/ 미리보기
Marshall, M J. Springer 1900
76 저널기사 Age-related pattern in body composition changes for 18-69 year old women/ 미리보기
Nassis, P Minerva Medica 1900
77 저널기사 Agonist and Inverse Agonist Actions of beta-Blockers at the Human beta~2-Adrenoceptor Provide Evidence for Agonist-Directed Signaling/ 미리보기
Baker, J. G American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, etc.] 1900
78 저널기사 Agreements and disagreements between theories and experiments in nematoviscosity (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Simoes, M Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1900
79 저널기사 A history of induced abortion in relation to substance abuse during subsequent pregnancies carried to term/ 미리보기
Darroch, J. E C.V. Mosby Co 1900
80 저널기사 AHMII: Agent to Help Microbial Information Integration/ 미리보기
Sugawara, H Information Retrieval Limited 1900
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