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검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Mote on the Tretment of Foreign Exchange in Project Evaluation 미리보기
Robin Boadway;; unknown 1978
2 저널기사 A Simple Diagrammatic Apparatus for the Investigation of a Macroeconomic Model of Temporary Equilibria 미리보기
Stoneman.P;; unknown 1978
3 저널기사 Book Reviews For a List Books Reviewed see Inside Cover 미리보기
unknown unknown 1978
4 저널기사 Book Reviews For a List of Books Reviewed see Inside Cover 미리보기
unknown unknown 1978
5 저널기사 Books Received 미리보기
unknown unknown 1978
6 저널기사 Books Received 미리보기
unknown unknown 1978
7 저널기사 Books Received 미리보기
unknown unknown 1978
8 저널기사 Choosing Between Concentration Indices: the Iso-Concentration Curve 미리보기
Stephen Davies;; unknown 1978
9 저널기사 Fixed Costs. Employment and Labour Demand over the Cycle 미리보기
Nickell.S.J;; unknown 1978
10 저널기사 Market Power and Inflation 미리보기
Tibor Scitovsky;; unknown 1978
11 저널기사 Monetary Policy and the Supply of Trade Cerdit, 1830-1844 미리보기
Michael Collins;; unknown 1978
12 저널기사 On the Dynmics of Inflation and Unemployment in a Quantity Theory Framework 미리보기
Ferguson.B.L;Gupta Kanhaya .L; unknown 1978
13 저널기사 Optimal Club Size: A Reply 미리보기
Yew-Kwang Ng;; unknown 1978
14 저널기사 Schooling and Income Distribution:Evidence from International Data 미리보기
Winegarden.C.R;; unknown 1978
15 저널기사 Short-run nd Long-run Effects of External Disturbances Under a Floating Exchange Rate 미리보기
Willen Burrer;; unknown 1978
16 저널기사 Specific Factors. Comparative Advantage and International Investment:an Extension 미리보기
Falvey.Rodney.E;; unknown 1978
17 저널기사 Structural Models of the Demand for Bonds and the Term Structure of Interest Rates 미리보기
Masson .Paul.R;; unknown 1978
18 저널기사 Substitution nd Division of Labour 미리보기
Sherwin Rosen;; unknown 1978
19 저널기사 Technical Change.Barriers to Entry and Market Structure 미리보기
Levin.Richard C;; unknown 1978
20 저널기사 The Dynamics of Some Discrete Time Duopoly Price Games Involving Cournot and Related Best-response Strategies 미리보기
Murray,Ian W.;Rickard John A.; unknown 1978
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