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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Accounting on Organized Anarchies 미리보기
Cooper, D.J.;Hayes, D.;Wolf, F. Pergamon Press 1981
2 저널기사 A Contextual Model of Information Systems 미리보기
Macintosh, N.B. Pergamon Press 1981
3 저널기사 Action and Reaction 미리보기
Polesie, T. Pergamon Press 1981
4 저널기사 A Longgiudinal Evaluation of an Occupational Goal-Expectancy Model in Professional Accounting Organization 미리보기
Dillard, J.F. Pergamon Press 1981
5 저널기사 Ambiguity Intolerance and Financial Reporting Alternatives 미리보기
Farcloth, A.W.;Richard, D.N. Pergamon Press 1981
6 저널기사 An Examination of Professional Commitment in Public Accounting 미리보기
Aranya, N;Pollock, J.;Amernic, J. Pergamon Press 1981
7 저널기사 An Exploratory Field Study of The Relationships between The Controller's Department and Overall Organizational Characteristics 미리보기
Rosenzweig, K. Pergamon Press 1981
8 저널기사 An Overview of The International Development in Macro Social Indicators 미리보기
Glatzer, W. Pergamon Press 1981
9 저널기사 Associations between Social Responsibility Disclosure and Characteristics of companies 미리보기
Trotman, K.T.;Bradley, G.W. Pergamon Press 1981
10 저널기사 A Study in System Design 미리보기
Boland, R.J. Jr. Pergamon Press 1981
11 저널기사 A Study of Reporting Probabilistic Accounting Figures 미리보기
Chen, K.H.;Summers, E.L. Pergamon Press 1981
12 저널기사 Attributions, Cognitive-Processes and Control System 미리보기
Shields, M.D.;Birnberg, J.G.;Frieze, I. Hanson Pergamon Press 1981
13 저널기사 Indicators of Social Change; Developments in The United States of America 미리보기
Parke, R.;Peterson, J.L. Pergamon Press 1981
14 저널기사 Information Disclosure and The Role of The Accountant in Collective Bargaining 미리보기
Craft, J.A. Pergamon Press 1981
15 저널기사 Management Control of Public and Not-for-Profit Activities 미리보기
Hofstede, G. Pergamon Press 1981
16 연속간행물 Nutrition research. 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Pergamon Press 1981-
17 연속간행물 Nutrition research [microform] 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Pergamon Press 1981-
18 저널기사 Organizational Commitment and Performance in a Professional Accounting Firm 미리보기
Ferris, K.R. Pergamon Press 1981
19 저널기사 Reconstructing " Behavioural Accounting" 미리보기
Colville, I. Pergamon Press 1981
20 저널기사 Relationships between Leader Behavior and Audlt Team Performance 미리보기
Pratt,T.;Jiambalvo Pergamon Press 1981
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