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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Anatomy and Morphology - Latitudinal trends in wood anatomy within species and genera: Case study in Comus s.l. (Cornaceae)/ 미리보기
Noshiro, Shuichi Botanical Society of America] 2000
2 저널기사 Brief Communication - ABA prevents the second cytokinin-mediated event during the induction of shoot buds in the moss Funaria hygrometrica/ 미리보기
Christianson, Michael L Botanical Society of America] 2000
3 저널기사 Brief Communication - Climate and the U.S. distribution of C4 grass subfamilies and decarboxylation variants of C4 photosynthesis/ 미리보기
Taub, Daniel R Botanical Society of America] 2000
4 저널기사 Ecology - Differential effects of four abiotic factors on the germination of salt marsh annuals/ 미리보기
Noe, Gregory B Botanical Society of America] 2000
5 저널기사 Ecology - Environmental distribution of four Carex species (Cyperaceae) in an old-growth forest/ 미리보기
Vellend, Mark Botanical Society of America] 2000
6 저널기사 Ecology - Germination and establishment of forest sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae): Tests for home-site advantage and effects of leaf litter/ 미리보기
Vellend, Mark Botanical Society of America] 2000
7 저널기사 Ecology - Growth and invasive potential of Sapium sebiferum (Euphorbiaceae) within the coastal prairie region: The effects of soil and moisture regime/ 미리보기
Barrilleaux, Troy C Botanical Society of America] 2000
8 저널기사 Ecology - High abscission rates of damaged expanding leaves: Field evidence from seedlings of a Bornean rain forest tree/ 미리보기
Blundell, Arthur G Botanical Society of America] 2000
9 저널기사 Ecology - Morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of two North American and one Eurasian species of Sambucus (Caprifoliaceae) with underdeveloped spatulate embryos/ 미리보기
Hidayati, Siti N Botanical Society of America] 2000
10 저널기사 Ecology - Oak canopy effects on the distribution patterns of two annual grasses: The role of competition and soil nutrients/ 미리보기
Rice, Kevin J Botanical Society of America] 2000
11 저널기사 Ecology - Root pressure and specific conductivity in temperate lianas: Exotic Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) vs. native Vitis riparia (Vitaceae)/ 미리보기
Tibbetts, Tim J Botanical Society of America] 2000
12 저널기사 Ecology - The effects of gap size and disturbance type on invasion of wet pine savanna by cogongrass, imperata cylindrica (Poaceae)/ 미리보기
King, Sharon E Botanical Society of America] 2000
13 저널기사 Ecology - Theoretical aspects of surface-to-volume ratios and water-storage capacities of succulent shoots/ 미리보기
Mauseth, James D Botanical Society of America] 2000
14 저널기사 Ecology - Vulnerability to xylem cavitation and the distribution of Sonoran Desert vegetation/ 미리보기
Pockman, William T Botanical Society of America] 2000
15 저널기사 Ecology - Water loss and viability in Zizania (Poaceae) seeds during short-term desiccation/ 미리보기
Horne, Francis R Botanical Society of America] 2000
16 저널기사 Ecophysiology - Fate of oxygen losses from Typha domingensis (Typhaceae) and Cladium jamaicense (Cyperaceae) and consequences for root metabolism/ 미리보기
Chabbi, Abad Botanical Society of America] 2000
17 저널기사 Genetics and Molecular Biology - Differential siring success of Pgi genotypes in Clarkia unguiculata (Onagraceae)/ 미리보기
Travers, Steven E Botanical Society of America] 2000
18 저널기사 Genetics and Molecular Biology - Paternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA in interspecific hybrids in the genus Larrea (Zygophyllaceae)/ 미리보기
Yang, Tien Wei Botanical Society of America] 2000
19 저널기사 Genetics and Molecular Biology - Ribosomal DNA evolution and phylogeny in Aloe (Asphodelaceae)/ 미리보기
Adams, Stuart P Botanical Society of America] 2000
20 저널기사 Invited Special Paper - Long-distance seed dispersal in plant populations/ 미리보기
Cain, Michael L Botanical Society of America] 2000
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