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1 저널기사 An evolutionary stage model of outsourcing and competence destruction: A Triad comparison of the consumer electronics industry 미리보기
Kotabe, M.; Mol, M. J.; Ketkar, S. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
2 저널기사 A new perspective on the regional and global strategies of multinational services firms 미리보기
Rugman, A. M.; Verbeke, A. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
3 저널기사 Biblio Service 미리보기
Swoboda, B. S. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
4 저널기사 Biblio Service 미리보기
unknown Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
5 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
unknown Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
6 저널기사 Enhancing the Trustworthiness of Qualitative Research in International Business 미리보기
Sinkovics, R. R.; Penz, E.; Ghauri, P. N. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
7 저널기사 Entry Modes for Manufacturers’ International After-Sales Service: Analysis of Transaction-specific, Firm-specific and Country-specific Determinants 미리보기
Morschett, D.; Schramm-Klein, H.; Swoboda, B. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
8 저널기사 Erroneous Learning from the West? A Narrative Analysis of Chinese MBA Cases Published in 1992, 1999 and 2003 미리보기
Liang, N.; Lin, S. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
9 저널기사 Factors affecting perceptions of the choice between acquisition and greenfield entry: The case of Western FDI in an emerging market 미리보기
Demirbag, M.; Tatoglu, E.; Glaister, K. W. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
10 저널기사 FDI Ownership Strategy: A Japanese-US MNE Comparison 미리보기
Jung, J. C.; Beamish, P. W.; Goerzen, A. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
11 저널기사 Globalizing Domestic Absorptive Capacities 미리보기
Sofka, W. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
12 저널기사 Historic and Emergent Trends in Chinese Outward Direct Investment 미리보기
Buckley, P. J.; Cross, A. R.; Tan, H.; Xin, L.; Voss, H. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
13 저널기사 Home Country Image, Country Brand Equity and Consumers’ Product Preferences: An Empirical Study 미리보기
Zeugner Roth, K. P.; Diamantopoulos, A.; Montesinos, M. n. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
14 저널기사 How much distance do we need? Revisiting the “National cultural distance paradox?? 미리보기
Wang, H.; Schaan, J. L. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
15 저널기사 Innovation in multinational firms: Does cultural fit enhance performance? 미리보기
Ambos, B. r.; Schlegelmilch, B. B. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
16 저널기사 Institutional Explanations of Cross-border Alliance Modes: The Case of Emerging Economies Firms 미리보기
Michailova, S.; Hwee Ang, S. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
17 저널기사 Internationalization of retail banks: A micro-level study of the multinationality-performance relationship 미리보기
Venzin, M.; Kumar, V.; Kleine, J. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
18 저널기사 Knee Deep in the Big Muddy: The Survival of Emerging Market Firms in Developed Markets 미리보기
Miller, S. R.; Thomas, D. E.; Eden, L.; Hitt, M. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
19 저널기사 Learning through international acquisitions: The process of knowledge acquisition in China 미리보기
Zou, H.; Ghauri, P. N. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
20 저널기사 Macrory, P. F. J./Appleton, A. E. 미리보기
Gehring, T. Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag 2008
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