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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
12601 저널기사 Troubleshooting of an Industrial Batch Process Using Multivariate Methods/ 미리보기
Garcia-Munoz, S American Chemical Society 2003
12602 저널기사 True Polyazulene: Soluble Precursor of So-Called "Polyazulene" 미리보기
Kihara, N American Chemical Society 1997
12603 저널기사 Tryptophan Scanning Mutagenesis in the alphaM3 Transmembrane Domain of the Torpedo californica Acetylcholine Receptor: Functional and Structural Implications/ 미리보기
Guzman, G. R American Chemical Society 2003
12604 저널기사 Tumor-Associated Trypsinogen-2 (Trypsinogen-2) Activates Procollagenases (MMP-1, -8, -13) and Stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) and Degrades Type I Collagen/ 미리보기
Moilanen, M American Chemical Society 2003
12605 저널기사 Tunable Biopolymers for Heavy Metal Removal/ 미리보기
Kostal, Jan American Chemical Society 2001
12606 저널기사 Tunable Redox and Optical Properties Using Transition Metal-Complexed Polythiophenes 미리보기
Reddinger, J. L American Chemical Society 1997
12607 저널기사 Tuning Guidelines of a Dynamic Matrix Controller for Integrating (Non-Self-Regulating) Processes/ 미리보기
Dougherty, D American Chemical Society 2003
12608 저널기사 Tuning of the Exchange Dynamics of Unimers between Block Copolymer Micelles with Temperature, Cosolvents, and Cosurfactants/ 미리보기
Stam, Jan van American Chemical Society 2000
12609 저널기사 Tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers Using Achievable Performance Indices/ 미리보기
Agrawal, P American Chemical Society 2003
12610 저널기사 Tuning Solvents for Sustainable Technology/ 미리보기
Eckert, Charles A American Chemical Society 2000
12611 저널기사 Turbidimetric Determination of Sulfate in Water/ 미리보기
Sheen, R. T American Chemical Society 1935
12612 저널기사 Turbidimetric titration of small amounts of nicotine by use of photoelectric cell / 미리보기
Goodhue, Lyle D American Chemical Society 1938
12613 저널기사 Turbidity in Sugar Products : 미리보기
Zerban, F.W American Chemical Society 1937
12614 저널기사 Turbidity in Sugar Products/ 미리보기
Zerban, F. W American Chemical Society 1936
12615 저널기사 Turbidity in Sugar Products. Ⅱ / 미리보기
Zerban, F. W American Chemical Society 1934
12616 저널기사 Turbidity in sugar Products, Ⅵ / 미리보기
Zerban, F. W American Chemical Society 1938
12617 저널기사 Tutorials for the Biomedical Sciences. Animations, Simulations, and Calculations using Mathematica 미리보기
American Chemical Society 1980
12618 저널기사 Twenty-Plate Laboratory Bubble-Cap Still for Low-binding Materials / 미리보기
Bruun, Johannes H American Chemical Society 1937
12619 저널기사 Two Advanced Models for the Kinetics of the Variation of the Tar Composition in Its Catalytic Elimination in Biomass Gasification/ 미리보기
Corella, J American Chemical Society 2003
12620 저널기사 Two Conformational States of Turkey Ovomucoid Third Domain at Low pH: Three-Dimensional Structures, Internal Dynamics, and Interconversion Kinetics and Thermodynamics/ 미리보기
Song, J American Chemical Society 2003
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