61 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Estimate of Red-Cell Deformability and Plasma Viscosity Based on Flow Curve/
Ookawara, S
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
62 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Glycosaminoglycan Deposition in Engineered Cartilage: Experiments and Mathematical Model/
Obradovic, Bojana
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
63 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Ligand Diffusion, Receptor Binding, and Internalization: Zeroth-Order Kinetics/
Strieder, Walter
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
64 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Modeling Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Fluidized-Bed Adsorption of Proteins/
Wright, Pamela R
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
65 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Optimal Carbon Source Switching Strategy for the Production of PHA Copolymers/
Mantzaris, Nikolaos V
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
66 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Preparation of Enzyme-In-Polymer Composites with High Activity and Stability/
Kim, Jungbae
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
67 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Robust H(infinity Glucose Control in Diabetes Using a Physiological Model/
Parker, Robert S
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
68 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Role of Diffusion in Biocatalytic Polytransesterification/
Kline, Billie J
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
69 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Scale-up of Enzymatic Solid-to-Solid Peptide Synthesis and Enzyme Recovery/
Erbeldinger, Markus
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
70 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Thermodynamic Activity-Based Enzyme Kinetics: Effecient Tool for Nonaqueous Enzymology/
Sandoval, Georgina C
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
71 |
BIOENGINEERING, FOOD, AND NATURAL PRODUCTS - Virus Adsorption Within Pores in Latex: Assessment of Reversibility Effects (R&D Note)/
Myers, Matthew R
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
72 |
Biofiltration of Isopentane in Peat and Compost Packed Beds
Wang, Z
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
73 |
Biotechnology progress
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Chemical Society Food, Pharmaceutical, and Bioengineering
American Institute of Chemical Engineers: American Chemical Society
74 |
Boiling Heat Transfer of Nitrogen in a Thermosyphon Condenser-Reboiler
Sakaue, S
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
75 |
Book Review ///
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
76 |
Book Review ///
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
77 |
Book Review ///
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
78 |
Boundary Effects on the Sedimentation and Hindered Diffusion of Charged Particles
Pujar, N. S
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
79 |
Breakthrough Curves for Fixed-Bed Adsorbers: Quasi-Lognormal Distribution Approximation
Xiu, G.-H
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
80 |
Bridging the Gap Between Heuristics and Optimization: Capacity ExpansionCase
Ming Long Liu
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]