1 |
Academy establishes a task force on health disparities/
American Journal of Nursing Co
2 |
Academy invited to join Nursing Advisory Council/
American Journal of Nursing Co
3 |
A close look at "a close look at therapeutic touch"/
Tall, F. D
American Journal of Nursing Co
4 |
A Cluster of Symptoms Over Time in Patients With Lung Cancer/
Gift, A. G
American Journal of Nursing Co.]
5 |
A comparative study of the health care delivery system of Korea and Thailand/
Lee, C. Y
American Journal of Nursing Co
6 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - Accelerated Second Degree Advanced Practice Nurses: How Do They Fare in the Job Market? - The majority of accelerated second degree advanced practice nurses who responded to a survey were employed as full-time, nationally certified, state-licensed nurse practitioners with prescriptive authority./
White, Kenneth R
American Journal of Nursing Co
7 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - Nurse Practitioner Services: Content and Relative Work Value - A pilot study finds that the estimation of relative work values for office visits by nurse practitioners was consistent with the Medicare Fee Schedule./
Sullivan-Marx, Eileen M
American Journal of Nursing Co
8 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - Professionalism Revisited -/
Nativio, Donna G
American Journal of Nursing Co
9 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - Robots and Nurses - With Medicare payments for home care decreasing and a nursing shortage in full swing, robots may provide the needed support for the growing elderly population/
Nativio, Donna G
American Journal of Nursing Co
10 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - Service-Learning, The Scholarship of Service/
Nativio, Donna G
American Journal of Nursing Co
11 |
ADVANCED PRACTICE - The Nature of Advanced Practice Nursing - The nature of nursing and the differences between expert and advanced nursing practice are discussed. It is concluded that the elements of know what, know how, know why, and know who are present in all practice, but that advanced practice is characterized by an advanced level of know when, which has been labeled practical wisdom./
Oberle, Kathleen
American Journal of Nursing Co
12 |
A Longitudinal Study of Functional Status and Correlates Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Women/
DiMattio, M. J. K
American Journal of Nursing Co.]
13 |
American Academy of Nursing, 2003 Annual Conference and Meeting, San Diego, California, November 13-16, 2003/
American Journal of Nursing Co
14 |
American academy of nursing expert panel on breastfeeding/
Meier, P. P
American Journal of Nursing Co
15 |
American Academy of Nursing: interim report of the Task Force on Health Disparities. July 2003./
Allan, J
American Journal of Nursing Co
16 |
American Academy of Nursing News/
Garde, J
American Journal of Nursing Co
17 |
A Model for Predicting Motor Urge Urinary Incontinence/
Gray, Mikel
American Journal of Nursing Co.]
18 |
An Explanatory Model of Fatigue in Women Receiving Adjuvant Breast Cancer Chemotherapy/
Berger, Ann M
American Journal of Nursing Co.]
19 |
An HIV Self-Care Symptom Management Intervention for African American Mothers/
Miles, M. S
American Journal of Nursing Co.]
20 |
Another look at entry into practice/
McClure, M. L
American Journal of Nursing Co