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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Assessing Children's Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure: The Use of ParentalRecall via Telephone Interviews 미리보기
Mayer, J. A American Public Health Association 1980
82 저널기사 Assessing Immigration Status and Eligibility for Publicly Funded MedicalCare: A Questionnaire for Public Health Professionals 미리보기
Loue, S American Public Health Association 1980
83 저널기사 Assessing Mothers' Attitudes about the Physician's Role in Child Health Promotion 미리보기
Cheng, T. L American Public Health Association 1980
84 저널기사 Assessing Substance Abuse Treatment Needs among the Homeless: A Telephone-Based Interactive Voice Response System 미리보기
Alemagno, S. A American Public Health Association 1980
85 저널기사 Assessment of a Severe-Weather Warning System and Disaster Preparedness,Calhoun County, Alabama, 1994 미리보기
Liu, S American Public Health Association 1980
86 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
87 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
88 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1934
89 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1935
90 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
91 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1940
92 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1935
93 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1934
94 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
95 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
96 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1941
97 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1938
98 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1938
99 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1934
100 저널기사 Association News 미리보기
American Public Health Association 1934
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