121 |
Ecology - Germination and establishment of forest sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae): Tests for home-site advantage and effects of leaf litter/
Vellend, Mark
Botanical Society of America]
122 |
Ecology - Growth and invasive potential of Sapium sebiferum (Euphorbiaceae) within the coastal prairie region: The effects of soil and moisture regime/
Barrilleaux, Troy C
Botanical Society of America]
123 |
Ecology - Heterophylly in the yellow waterlily, Nuphar variegata (Nymphaeaceae): Effects of (CO2), natural sediment type, and water depth/
Titus, John E
Botanical Society of America]
124 |
Ecology - High abscission rates of damaged expanding leaves: Field evidence from seedlings of a Bornean rain forest tree/
Blundell, Arthur G
Botanical Society of America]
125 |
Ecology - Is breaking up hard to do? Breakage, growth, and survival in the parasitic clonal plant Cuscuta corymbosa (Convolvulaceae)/
Kelly, Colleen K
Botanical Society of America]
126 |
Ecology - Mediteranean climate effects. I. Conifer water use across a Sierra Nevada ecotone/
Royce, E B
Botanical Society of America]
127 |
Ecology - Mediterranean climate effects. II. Conifer growth phenology across a Sierra Nevada ecotone/
Royce, E B
Botanical Society of America]
128 |
Ecology - Molecular, physiological, and growth responses to sodium stress in C4 grasses from a soil salinity gradient in the Serengeti ecosystem/
Hamilton III, E William
Botanical Society of America]
129 |
Ecology - Morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of two North American and one Eurasian species of Sambucus (Caprifoliaceae) with underdeveloped spatulate embryos/
Hidayati, Siti N
Botanical Society of America]
130 |
Ecology - Nutrient foraging in woodland herbs: A comparison of three species of Uvularia (Liliaceae) with contrasting belowground morphologies/
Wijesinghe, Dushyantha K
Botanical Society of America]
131 |
Ecology - Oak canopy effects on the distribution patterns of two annual grasses: The role of competition and soil nutrients/
Rice, Kevin J
Botanical Society of America]
132 |
Ecology - Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a phosphorus-poor wetland and mycorrhizal response to phosphorus fertilization/
Cornwell, William K
Botanical Society of America]
133 |
Ecology - Partial cambial mortality in high-elevation Pinus aristata (Pinaceae)/
Schauer, Andrew J
Botanical Society of America]
134 |
Ecology - Patterns of leaf-pathogen infection in the understory of a Mexican rain forest: Incidence, spatiotemporal variation, and mechanisms of infection/
Garc�-Guzm�n, Graciela
Botanical Society of America]
135 |
Ecology - Persistence of seed bank under thick volcanic deposits twenty years after eruptions of Mount Usu, Hokkaido Island, Japan/
Tsuyuzaki, Shiro
Botanical Society of America]
136 |
Ecology - Productivity and species richness across an environmental gradient in a fire-dependent ecosystem/
Kirkman, L Katherine
Botanical Society of America]
137 |
Ecology - Response to ammonium and nitrate by a mycorrhizal annual invasive grass and native shrub in southern California/
Yoshida, Lidia C
Botanical Society of America]
138 |
Ecology - Root pressure and specific conductivity in temperate lianas: Exotic Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) vs. native Vitis riparia (Vitaceae)/
Tibbetts, Tim J
Botanical Society of America]
139 |
Ecology - Seedling functional types in a lowland rain forest in Mexico/
Ibarra-Manr�uez, Guillermo
Botanical Society of America]
140 |
Ecology - Seed size variation and predation of seeds produced by wild and crop-wild sunflowers/
Alexander, Helen M
Botanical Society of America]