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141 저널기사 Bilateral neck exploration for all parathyroid patients is an operation for the history books/ 미리보기
Denham, D. W C. V. Mosby Co 2003
142 저널기사 Bilateral synchronous breast cancer: a population-based study of characteristics, method of detection, and survival/ 미리보기
Polednak, A. P C. V. Mosby Co 2003
143 저널기사 Bile acids increase response and expression of human myometrial oxytocin receptor/ 미리보기
Germain, A. M C.V. Mosby Co 1900
144 저널기사 Biliary bile acid concentration is a simple and reliable indicator for liver function after hepatobiliary resection for biliary cancer/ 미리보기
Kurumiya, Y C. V. Mosby Co 2003
145 저널기사 Biochemical screening for Down syndrome in renal failure/ 미리보기
Lam, C. M C.V. Mosby Co 1900
146 저널기사 Biological implications of tumor cells in blood and bone marrow of pancreatic cancer patients/ 미리보기
Z'graggen, Kaspar C. V. Mosby Co 2001
147 저널기사 Biphasic relaxation-frequency relations in patients with effort angina pectoris: a new marker of myocardial demand ischemia/ 미리보기
Umeda, H C. V. Mosby Co 2003
148 저널기사 Birth weight discordancy and adverse perinatal outcomes among twin gestations in the United States: The effect of placental abruption/ 미리보기
Ananth, C. V C.V. Mosby Co 1900
149 저널기사 Brain natriuretic peptide and endothelin-1 in the pathogenesis of polyhydramnios-oligohydramnios in monochorionic twins/ 미리보기
Bajoria, R C.V. Mosby Co 1900
150 저널기사 Breast cancer draining to bilateral axillary sentinel lymph nodes/ 미리보기
Allweis, T. M C. V. Mosby Co 2003
151 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORT - Aggressive preoperative management and extended surgery for inflammatory pseudotumor involving the hepatic hilum in a child/ 미리보기
Kaneko, Kenitiro C. V. Mosby Co 2001
152 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORT - Pancreaticoduodenectomy in a patient with ampullary carcinoma and situs inversus/ 미리보기
Bilimoria, Malcolm M C. V. Mosby Co 2001
153 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORT - Partial abdominal exenteration, ex vivo resection of a large mesenteric fibroma and successful orthotopic intestinal autotransplantation/ 미리보기
Tzakis, Andreas G C. V. Mosby Co 2000
154 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Ampullary carcinoma developing after androgenic steroid therapy for aplastic anemia: Report of a case/ 미리보기
Fujino, Yasuhiro C. V. Mosby Co 2001
155 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Duodenal duplication cysts: A rare cause of acute pancreatitis in children/ 미리보기
Keller, Martin S C. V. Mosby Co 2001
156 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Eosinophilic abscess and eosinophilic pseudotumor presenting as bile duct masses: A report of 2 cases/ 미리보기
Shanti, Christina M C. V. Mosby Co 2001
157 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Intraoperative ultrasonography for localization of recurrent thyroid cancer/ 미리보기
Desai, Dev C. V. Mosby Co 2001
158 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Polysplenia syndrome and duodenal obstruction/ 미리보기
Moyer, Philip W C. V. Mosby Co 2001
159 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Portal embolization relieves persistent jaundice after complete biliary drainage/ 미리보기
Ijichi, Masayoshi C. V. Mosby Co 2001
160 저널기사 BRIEF CLINICAL REPORTS - Postoperative and late survival outcomes after major amputation: Findings from the Department of Veterans Affairs National Surgical Quality Improvement Program/ 미리보기
Feinglass, Joe C. V. Mosby Co 2001
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