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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 100 Americans making constitutional history:a biographical history 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Melvin I. Urofsky CQ Press 2004
2 단행본 Between peril and promise:the politics of international law 미리보기
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J. Martin Rochester CQ Press 2006
3 단행본 Constitutional law for a changing America,Institutional powers and constraints 미리보기
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Lee Epstein, Thomas G. Walker CQ Press 1995
4 단행본 Constitutional law for a changing America,Institutional powers and constraints 미리보기
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Lee Epstein, Thomas G. Walker CQ Press 2007 URL
5 단행본 Constitutional law for a changing America,Rights, liberties, and justice 미리보기
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Lee Epstein, Thomas G. Walker CQ Press 1995
6 단행본 Constitutions of the world 미리보기
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by Robert L. Maddex CQ Press 2008
7 단행본 Democracy and the rule of law 미리보기
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[edited by] Norman Dorsen, Prosser Gifford CQ Press 2001
8 단행본 Eligible for execution:the story of the Daryl Atkins case 미리보기
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Thomas G. Walker CQ Press 2009
9 단행본 The global environment:institutions, law, and policy 미리보기
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edited by Regina S. Axelrod, Stacy D. VanDeveer, David Leonard Downie CQ Press 2011
10 단행본 Judicial process in America 미리보기
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Robert A. Carp, Ronald Stidham CQ Press 1993
11 단행본 Judicial process in America 미리보기
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Robert A. Carp, Ronald Stidham, Kenneth L. Manning CQ Press 2007 URL
12 단행본 Judicial process in America 미리보기
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Robert A. Carp, Ronald Stidham, Kenneth L. Manning CQ Press 2011
13 단행본 Landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court 미리보기
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Paul Finkelman, Melvin I. Urofsky CQ Press 2008
14 단행본 The law of journalism and mass communication 미리보기
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Robert Trager, Joseph Russomanno, Susan Dente Ross CQ Press 2012
15 단행본 The Supreme Court 미리보기
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Lawrence Baum CQ Press 2007
16 단행본 Supreme Court decisions and women's rights:milestones to equality 미리보기
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edited by Clare Cushman ; foreword by Ruth Bader Ginsburg ; sponsored by the Supreme Court Historical Society CQ Press 2011
17 단행본 We the students:Supreme Court cases for and about students 미리보기
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Jamin B. Raskin CQ Press 2008
