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281 저널기사 A study on selected properties of La~1~-~xSr~xCoO~3 and its application in sealed CO~2 lasers 미리보기
He, L. Su, W. Chen, G. Liu, J. Chapman and Hall 1997
282 저널기사 A study on sintering and microstructure development of fritless silver thick film conductors/ 미리보기
Rane, Sunit Chapman and Hall 2000
283 저널기사 A study on superplastic deformation and cavitation behavior in 3Y-TZP under changing strain rate/ 미리보기
Tekeli, S Chapman and Hall 2001
284 저널기사 A study on the fracture toughness of Al-based MMCs containing different volume fractions Al2O3/ 미리보기
Chapman and Hall 2001
285 저널기사 A study on the hydriding-dehydriding kinetics of Mg1.9Al0.1Ni/ 미리보기
Li, Q Chapman and Hall 2003
286 저널기사 A study on the low-cycle fatigue properties of SiC~p/6061 Al composites 미리보기
Lin, S.-J. Jahn, M.-T. Chen, P.-C. Chapman and Hall 1997
287 저널기사 A study on the nickel-rich ternary Ti-Ni-Al shape memory alloys 미리보기
Wu, S. K. Hsieh, S. F. Chapman and Hall 1997
288 저널기사 A study on the tribological behaviour of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) coated with a Ni-P layer 미리보기
Zhang, R Chapman and Hall 1996
289 저널기사 A surface modified ODS superalloy by thermal oxidation for potential implant applications/ 미리보기
Garc�-Alonso, M C Chapman and Hall 2001
290 저널기사 A technique for the determination of interfacial properties from debond length measurement/ 미리보기
Sun, Yongjian Singh, R N Chapman and Hall 2000
291 저널기사 A TEM study of the interfaces and matrices of SiC-coated carbon fibre/aluminium composites made by the K~2ZrF~6 process 미리보기
Chen, X Chapman and Hall 1996
292 저널기사 A theoretical approach for the thermal expansion behavior of the particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composite Part I A thermal expansion model for composites with mono-dispersed spherical particles/ 미리보기
Park, Chong-Sung Lee, Chongmu Kim, Myung-Ho; Chapman and Hall 2001
293 저널기사 A theoretical estimation of fracture toughness of zirconium hydride/ 미리보기
Matvienko, Yu G Chapman and Hall 2000
294 저널기사 A thermoanalytical study of oxidation of TiC by simultaneous, TGA-DTA-MSanalysis 미리보기
Shimada, S Chapman and Hall 1996
295 저널기사 A three-dimensional non-epitaxial atomistic growth model for thin-film deposition: effect of surface mobility 미리보기
Xu, S Chapman and Hall 1996
296 저널기사 Atmospheric pressure atomic layer epitaxy of ZnO on a sapphire (0001) substrate by alternate reaction of ZnCl2 and O2/ 미리보기
Takahashi, N; Yoshii, N; Nakamura, T Kaiya, K Chapman and Hall 2000
297 저널기사 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) study on potassium hexatitanate whisker (K2O6TiO2) 미리보기
Feng, X. Xie, J. Zhu, Y.; Lu, X.; Liu, C.; Bao, N.; Chapman and Hall 2003
298 저널기사 Atomic force microscopy studies of molded thin films of segmented polyamides/ 미리보기
Ghosh, Subiman Bhowmick, A K; Kok, L Bandyopadhyay, S; Khastagir, D; Kao, G J P; Chapman and Hall 2000
299 저널기사 Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 thin films and nanolayered HfO2-Al2O3-Nb2O5 dielectrics/ 미리보기
Ritala, M.; Rai, R.; Leskela, M.; Hegde, R.; Sajavaara, T.; Kukli, K. Gilmer, D. C.; Prabhu, L. Keinonen, J.; Chapman and Hall 2003
300 저널기사 Atomic ordering in xZrO~2�1-x) SiO~2 xerogels (x = 0.3, 0.5) by X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo simulations 미리보기
Petkov, V. Gerber, T. Stachs, O. Chapman and Hall 1997
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