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3881 저널기사 Tissue engineering of dermal substitutes based on porous PEGT/PBT copolymer scaffolds: comparison of culture conditions/ 미리보기
Wang, H. J Chapman and Hall 2003
3882 저널기사 Tissue reaction against a self-setting calcium phosphate cement set in bone or outside the organism/ 미리보기
Frayssinet, P Chapman and Hall 2000
3883 저널기사 Tissue reactions of subcutaneously implanted mixture of e-caprolactone-lactide copolymer and tricalcium phosphate. An electron microscopic evaluation in sheep/ 미리보기
Ekholm, M Chapman and Hall 2003
3884 저널기사 Tissue responses to anti-washout apatite cement using chitosan when implanted in the rat tibia/ 미리보기
Takechi, M Chapman and Hall 2001
3885 저널기사 Tissue response to hafnium/ 미리보기
Mohammadi, S Chapman and Hall 2001
3886 저널기사 Titanium diboride copper-matrix composites 미리보기
Yih, P. Chung, D. D. L. Chapman and Hall 1997
3887 저널기사 Titanium implants and BMP-7 in bone: an experimental model in the rabbit/ 미리보기
Stenport, V. F Chapman and Hall 2003
3888 저널기사 Titanium oxy-nitride films deposited on stainless steel by an ion beam assisted deposition technique/ 미리보기
Tamura, S.; Akamatsu, K.; Nakamura, K.; Kasuya, T.; Nakao, K. Yokota, K. Sugimoto, T.; Chapman and Hall 2003
3889 저널기사 Titanium powder sintering for preparation of a porous functionally graded material destined for orthopaedic implants/ 미리보기
Thieme, M Chapman and Hall 2001
3890 저널기사 Titanium transport through the blood stream. An experimental study on rats/ 미리보기
Olmedo, D. G Chapman and Hall 2003
3891 저널기사 Top-cooling-solution-growth and characterization of piezoelectric 0.955Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.045PbTiO3 (PZNT) single crystals/ 미리보기
Chen, W Ye, Z-G Chapman and Hall 2001
3892 저널기사 Topographic study of superplastically formed AA7475 hemispherical domes 미리보기
Zelin, M. G Chapman and Hall 1996
3893 저널기사 Topological properties of polymer spherulitic grain patterns from simultaneous nucleation 미리보기
Rey, A. D. Kamal, M. R. Huang, T. Chapman and Hall 1997
3894 저널기사 Topotactic crystallisation of calcite under hydrothermal conditions/ 미리보기
Romani, J. O.; Davies, D.; Silver, J. Ovenstone, J. Chapman and Hall 2003
3895 저널기사 Toughening mechanisms and properties of mullite matrix composites reinforced by the addition of SiC particles and Y-TZP 미리보기
Hong, J. S Chapman and Hall 1996
3896 저널기사 Toughening of calcium hydroxyapatite with silver particles 미리보기
Terpstra, R. A. Zhang, X. Gubbels, G. H. M. Metselaar, R. Chapman and Hall 1997
3897 저널기사 Toughening of polystyrene by natural rubber-based composite particles. Part III Fracture mechanisms 미리보기
Schneider, M. Pith, T. Lambla, M. Chapman and Hall 1997
3898 저널기사 Toughening of polystyrene by natural rubber-based composite particles Part II Influence of the internal structure of PMMA and PS-grafted core-shell particles 미리보기
Schneider, M. Pith, T. Lambla, M. Chapman and Hall 1997
3899 저널기사 Toughening of polystyrene by natural rubber-based composite particles Part I Impact reinforcement by PMMA and PS grafted core-shell particles 미리보기
Schneider, M. Pith, T. Lambla, M. Chapman and Hall 1997
3900 저널기사 Toughening of tape cast Bioglass(R) by lamination with stainless steel 316L/ 미리보기
Clupper, D C Mecholsky Jr, J J Chapman and Hall 2001
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