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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Analysis of Silicon Surface in Connection with Its Unique Electrochemical and Etching Behavior 미리보기
Fukidome, H Electrochemical Society 1980
82 저널기사 Analysis of the Electrochemical Characteristics of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Based on a Pt-Ru/C Anode Catalyst 미리보기
Arico, A. S Electrochemical Society 1980
83 저널기사 Analysis of Transient Hydrogen Uptake by Metal Alloy Particles 미리보기
Zhang, W Electrochemical Society 1980
84 저널기사 Analytic Solution for Charge Transport and Chemical-Potential Variation in Single-Layer and Multilayer Devices of Different Mixed-Conducting Oxides 미리보기
Yuan, S Electrochemical Society 1980
85 저널기사 An Analysis of Electrochemical Capacitors 미리보기
Fritts, D. H Electrochemical Society 1980
86 저널기사 An Analysis of Free-Convective Magnetoelectrolysis in Constant Magnetic Fields 미리보기
Kim, K Electrochemical Society 1980
87 저널기사 A Nanostructured Honeycomb Carbon Anode/ 미리보기
Li, N Electrochemical Society 2003
88 저널기사 An Atomic Force Microscopy Study on the Roughness of Silicon Wafers Correlated with Direct Wafer Bonding 미리보기
Roberds, B. E Electrochemical Society 1980
89 저널기사 An Attemp to Quantify Electrodeposit Metallographic Growth Structures 미리보기
Winand, R Electrochemical Society 1980
90 저널기사 An Electrical Model for the Cathodically Charged Aluminum Electrode 미리보기
Wang, M.-H Electrochemical Society 1980
91 저널기사 An Electrochemical and XRD Study of Lithium Insertion into Mechanically Alloyed Magnesium Stannide/ 미리보기
Roberts, G. A Electrochemical Society 2003
92 저널기사 An Electrochemical Route for Making Porous Nickel Oxide Electrochemical Capacitors 미리보기
Srinivasan, V Electrochemical Society 1980
93 저널기사 An Electrochromic System Based on the Reversible Electrodeposition of Lead 미리보기
Mascaro, L. H Electrochemical Society 1980
94 저널기사 An EQCM Study of the Electrochemical Copper(II)/Copper(I)/Copper System in the Presence of PEG and Chloride Ions/ 미리보기
Doblhofer, K Electrochemical Society 2003
95 저널기사 A New Candidate for the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode, Y~0~.9Ca~0~.1FeO~3. Electrical Transport Properties and Defect Structure 미리보기
Kim, C.-S Electrochemical Society 1980
96 저널기사 A New Class of Advanced Polymer Electrolytes and Their Relevance in Plastic-like, Rechargeable Lithium Batteries 미리보기
Appetecchi, G. B Electrochemical Society 1980
97 저널기사 A New Class of Electrochemically and Thermally Stable Lithium Salts for Lithium Battery Electrolytes. II. Conductivity of Lithium Organoborates in Dimethoxyethane and Propylene Carbonate 미리보기
Barthel, J Electrochemical Society 1980
98 저널기사 A New Class of Electrochemically and Thermally Stable Lithium Salts for Lithium Battery Electrolytes IV. Investigations of the Electrochemical Oxidation of Lithium Organoborates 미리보기
Barthel, J Electrochemical Society 1980
99 저널기사 A New Class of Electrochemically Thermally Stable Lithium Salts for Lithium Battery Electrolytes. III. Synthesis and Properties of Some Lithium Organoborates 미리보기
Barthel, J Electrochemical Society 1980
100 저널기사 A New Energy Storage Material: Organosulfur Compounds Based on Multiple Sulfur-Sulfur Bonds 미리보기
Naoi, K Electrochemical Society 1980
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