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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
14241 저널기사 Unintended consequences of cigarette prohibition, regulation, and taxation 미리보기
Kulick, Jonathan; Prieger, James; Kleiman, Mark A.R. Elsevier 2016
14242 저널기사 Unintended consequences of cooperative research: impact of industry sponsorship on climate for academic freedom and other graduate student outcome 미리보기
Behrens, T. R. ELSEVIER 2001
14243 저널기사 Union behavior, industry rents, and optimal policies 미리보기
Swagel, P. ELSEVIER 2000
14244 저널기사 Union collusion and intra-industry trade 미리보기
Straume, O. R. ELSEVIER 2002
14245 저널기사 Union-Firm Efficient Bargaining and Test of Oligopolistic Conduct 미리보기
Bughin, J. ELSEVIER 1993
14246 저널기사 Unionization, vertical markets, and the outsourcing of multinationals 미리보기
Zhao, L. ELSEVIER 2001
14247 저널기사 Unions as commitment devices 미리보기
Eguchi, K. ELSEVIER 2002
14248 저널기사 Unions in oligopolistic, vertically connected industries 미리보기
Grandner, T. ELSEVIER 2001
14249 저널기사 Union structure and incentives for innovation 미리보기
Calabuig, V.; Gonzalez-Maestre, M. ELSEVIER 2002
14250 저널기사 Union wage sensitivity to trade and protection: Theory and evidence 미리보기
Gaston, N. ELSEVIER 1995
14251 저널기사 Uniqueness of equilibrium in cost sharing games 미리보기
Watts, A. ELSEVIER 2002
14252 저널기사 Unit initial public offerings: A form of staged financing 미리보기
Schultz, P. ELSEVIER 1993
14253 저널기사 Unit load size as a function of the degree of overtaking 미리보기
Bengtsson, J.;Johansson, M. I. Elsevier 1995
14254 저널기사 Unit roots and the estimation of interest rate dynamics 미리보기
Ball, C. A. ELSEVIER 1996
14255 저널기사 Unit roots in the Nelson-Plosser data: do they matter for forecasting? 미리보기
Franses, P. H. ELSEVIER 1996
14256 저널기사 Unit root tests for time series with level shifts: a comparison of different proposals 미리보기
Lanne, M.; Lutkepohl, H. ELSEVIER 2002
14257 저널기사 Unit root tests in panel data: asymptotic and finite-sample properties 미리보기
Levin, A.; Lin, C. F.; James Chu, C. S. ELSEVIER 2002
14258 저널기사 Unit root tests in the presence of uncertainty about the non-stochastic trend 미리보기
Ayat, L. ELSEVIER 2000
14259 저널기사 Unit root tests with conditional heteroskedasticity 미리보기
Kim, K. ELSEVIER 1993
14260 저널기사 Universal banking and firm risk-taking 미리보기
John, K. ELSEVIER 1994
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