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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Academic freedom and the law:a comparative study 미리보기
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Eric Barendt Hart Pub. 2010
2 단행본 Accounting for profit for breach of contract:theory and practice 미리보기
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Katy Barnett Hart Pub. 2012
3 단행본 Adapting legal cultures 미리보기
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edited by David Nelken and Johannes Feest Hart Pub. 2003
4 단행본 The advancement of international law 미리보기
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Charles Leben Hart Pub. 2010
5 단행본 Anticipatory breach 미리보기
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Qiao Liu Hart Pub. 2011
6 단행본 Basic legal instruments for the liberalisation of trade:a comparative analysis of EC and WTO law 미리보기
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Federico Ortino Hart Pub. 2004
7 단행본 Beyond the established legal orders:policy interconnections between the EU and the rest of the world 미리보기
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[edited by] Malcolm Evans and Panos Koutrakos Hart Pub. 2011
8 단행본 Capacitas:contract law and the institutional preconditions of a market economy 미리보기
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edited by Simon Deakin and Alain Supiot Hart Pub. 2009
9 단행본 Caring and the law 미리보기
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Jonathan Herring Hart Pub. 2013
10 단행본 Case management in the crown court 미리보기
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Roderick Denyer Hart Pub. 2008
11 단행본 Cases and materials on EU private international law 미리보기
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Stefania Bariatti Hart Pub. 2011
12 단행본 Challenging the legal boundaries of work regulation 미리보기
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edited by Judy Fudge, Shae McCrystal, Kamala Sankaran Hart Pub. 2012
13 단행본 The chapter VII powers of the United Nations Security Council 미리보기
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Erika De Wet Hart Pub. 2004
14 단행본 Children and cross-examination:time to change the rules? 미리보기
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edited by John R. Spencer, Michael E. Lamb Hart Pub. 2012
15 단행본 Children and the European Union:rights, welfare and accountability 미리보기
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Helen Stalford Hart Pub. 2012
16 단행본 The common law of intellectual property:essays in honour of Professor David Vaver 미리보기
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edited by Catherine W. Ng, Lionel Bently and Giuseppina D'Agostino Hart Pub. 2010
17 단행본 Community and collective rights:a theoretical framework for rights held by groups 미리보기
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Dwight Newman Hart Pub. 2011
18 단행본 Comparative law in the courtroom and classroom:the story of the last thirty-five years 미리보기
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Basil Markesinis ; foreword by the Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers Hart Pub. 2004
19 단행본 Competition law and policy in Latin America 미리보기
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edited by Eleanor M. Fox and D. Daniel Sokol Hart Pub. 2009
20 단행본 The constitutional dimension of European criminal law 미리보기
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Ester Herlin-Karnell Hart Pub. 2012
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