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21 연속간행물 IEEE internet computing 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 1997-
22 저널기사 Key Exchange in IPSec: Analysis of IKE - The IPSec protocol is a recently proposed standard of the IETF for securing real-time communications on the Internet. The authors explain how its key exchange mechanism (IKE) works and suggest improvements./ 미리보기
Perlman, Radia IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
23 저널기사 Knowledge Networking - Guest Editors' Introduction - Weaving the Web of Reason/ 미리보기
Maurer, Frank IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
24 저널기사 Knowledge Networking - STARS: A Socio-Technical Framework for Integrating Design Knowledge over the Internet - Traditional design tools usually model collaborative work as a process of data access and sharing. In globally distributed environments, however, it becomes important to model the inter-disciplinary perspectives that individual contributors bring to the data. STARS provides a "socio-technical" framework for integrating this knowledge into the design process/ 미리보기
Lu, Stephen C-Y IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
25 저널기사 Knowledge Networking - The Semantic Web: The Roles of XML and RDF - XML and RDF are the current standards for establishing semantic interoperability on the Web, but XML addresses only document structure. RDF better facilitates interoperation because it provides a data model that can be extended to address sophisticated ontology representation techniques/ 미리보기
Decker, Stefan IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
26 저널기사 LowBot: A Multiagent Assistant for Legal Research - LawBot is a system of Internet-based agents that help to collect and organize the statutes and case histories relevant to a legal search. The system includes an ontology that maps colloquial terms to corresponding legal terminology, thus simplifying the system's use by people outside the legal profession./ 미리보기
Debnath, Sandip IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
27 저널기사 Marketplace /// 미리보기
IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
28 저널기사 mSTAR: Enabling Collaborative Applications on the Internet - The mStar environment features an agent-based architecture, implemented in Java, which preserves compatibility with the dominant Mbone paradigm for IP multicast. In particular, mStar supports developers in creating distributed, real-time multimedia software applications such as e-meetings/ 미리보기
Parnes, Peter IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
29 저널기사 Network Address Translators: Effects on Security Protocols and Applications in the TCP/IP Stock - Some widely deployed protocols work transparently within NAT environments, but others fail completely or require special solutions to NAT-enable them. As NATs proliferate, it is important to recognize where they can be used without breaking the protocols used in the networks./ 미리보기
Shieh, Shiuh-Pyng IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
30 저널기사 News & Trends/ 미리보기
IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
31 저널기사 On the Wire - IP over Optical: From Packets to Photons - Not since ATM's heyday in the mid-1990s has a network technology generated as much excitement, innovation, or debate as optical networking is doing today./ 미리보기
Metz, Chris IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
32 저널기사 PIPE: Web Personalization by Partial Evaluation - Partial evaluation is a technique popular in the programming languages community. It is applied here as a methodology for personalizing Web content. Two very different implementations of the methodology demonstrate its effectiveness./ 미리보기
Ramakrishnan, Naren IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
33 저널기사 Responsible Agent Behavior: A Distributed Computing Perspective - Software agents that are autonomous, communicative, and possibly intelligent processes raise new questions for developers of distributed systems. Specifically, what is responsible agent behavior, and who, as the owner, is legally responsible for it? The answers involve an understanding of human-agent interaction, agent-oriented middleware, and social behavior/ 미리보기
Mamdani, Ebrahim IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
34 저널기사 Service Advertisement and Discovery: Enabling Universal Device Cooperation - Service advertisement and discovery technologies enable device cooperation and reduce configuration hassles, a necessity in today's increasingly mobile computing environments. This article surveys five competing but similar "service discovery suites" and looks at efforts to bridge the technologies/ 미리보기
Richard III, Golden G IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
35 저널기사 XML Resources Page - This month, IC Online features a complete update to IC's 1998 "World of XML Tools" exclusive. The new XML Resources Page include a tutorial, links to all the specifications, annotated descriptions of XML-enabled applications, and an extensive comparison of the developer tools on the market today./ 미리보기
IEEE Computer Society Publications Office 2000
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