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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 1977 Microwave Power Symposium Summaries 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1977
2 저널기사 Absence of Heart-Rate Effects in Isolated Frog Heart Irradiated with Pulse Modulated Microwave Energy / 미리보기
Clapman, R. M International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
3 저널기사 Advertisements and Information 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
4 저널기사 An Instrument for Observing Real-Time Changes in Moisture Content of Forest Fuels / 미리보기
McLeod, B. R International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
5 저널기사 Announcement 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
6 저널기사 An Update on the Applications of Microwave Power in the Food Industry in the United States / 미리보기
Schiffmann, R. F International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
7 저널기사 A Simple Method for Determining the Electric Field Distribution Along a Microwave Applicator / 미리보기
Bosiso, R. G International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
8 저널기사 A Summary of the ERMAC Work Session on Nervous System and Behavioral Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiations 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
9 저널기사 Correspondence on D. R. Justesen's "Prescriptive Grammar for the Radiobiology of Non-Ionising Radiation" / 미리보기
Sussking, C International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
10 저널기사 Correspondence on D. R. Justesen's "Prescriptive Grammar for the Radiobiology of Non-Ionising Radiation" / 미리보기
Guy, A. W International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
11 저널기사 Coupling of Gaussian Electromagnetic Pulse into a Muscle-Bone Model of Biological Structure / 미리보기
Lin, J. C International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
12 저널기사 Cumulative Index by Authors and Subject JMP Vol. 9, 1974 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
13 저널기사 Cumulative Index by Authors and Subject JMP Vol. 9, 1974 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
14 저널기사 Cumulative Index for Volume 11 by Authors and Subject 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
15 저널기사 Dose Rate Distribution in Triple-Layered Dielectric Cylinder with irregular Cross Section Irradiated by Plane Wave Sources / 미리보기
Ho, H. S International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
16 저널기사 Double Track Microwave Reflecto-Interferometer for the High Loss Liquids Complex Permittivity Measurements. applications / 미리보기
Bottreau, A. M International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
17 저널기사 Errata 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
18 저널기사 Exposure of the Japanese Quail Embryo to 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation During the Second Day of Development / 미리보기
Hamrick, P. E International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
19 저널기사 Fast Fixation of Brain In Situ By High Intensity Microwave Irradiation 미리보기
Butcher, S. H International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
20 저널기사 Home Economists and Housewives Join IMPI 미리보기
International Microwave Power Institute] 1975
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