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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 단행본 Administrative law:cases and materials 미리보기
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Daniel J. Gifford LexisNexis 2010
2 단행본 Administrative practice and procedure:selected state and federal statutes 미리보기
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Charles H. Koch, Willam S. Jordan, Richard W. Murphy LexisNexis 2006
3 단행본 Admiralty:cases and materials 미리보기
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Robert M. Jarvis ... [et al.] LexisNexis 2004
4 단행본 Agency, Partnership and the LLC:The Law of Unincorporated Business Enterprises; Cases, Materials, Problems 미리보기
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by J. Dennis Hynes, Mark J. Loewenstem LexisNexis 2008
5 단행본 Air Pollution 미리보기
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Mark S. Squillace, David R. Wooley LexisNexis 2005
6 단행본 American conflicts law:cases and materials 미리보기
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Luther L. McDougal III, Robert L. Felix, Ralph U. Whitten LexisNexis 2004
7 단행본 The American constitutional order:history, cases, and philosophy 미리보기
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by Douglas W. Kmiec ... [et al.] LexisNexis 2004
8 단행본 American Indian Law:Native Nations and The Federal System 미리보기
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Robert N.Clinton, Carole E.Goldberg, Rebecca Tsosie LexisNexis 2002
9 단행본 Anderson's Appellate practice and procedure in Ohio 미리보기
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William H. Wolff, James A. Brogan, Shauna K. McSherry LexisNexis 2007
10 단행본 Anderson's estate planning forms and clauses 미리보기
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by Jeffrey A. Schoenblum Lexisnexis 2014
11 단행본 Anderson's Ohio elder law practice manual 미리보기
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Gregory S. French, Ruth R. Longenecker, Richard T. Taps LexisNexis 2006
12 단행본 Anderson's Ohio pretrial litigation practice manual 미리보기
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Michael L. Cioffi LexisNexis 2006
13 단행본 Anderson's Ohio residential real estate manual 2008.volume 1 미리보기
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Thomas J. Sherman LexisNexis 2007
14 단행본 Anderson's Ohio school law manual 미리보기
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Kimball H. Carey Lexisnexis 2013
15 단행본 Anderson's Ohio search warrant manual 미리보기
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Albert J. Mestemaker LexisNexis 2007
16 단행본 Anderson's Sixth circuit practice manual 미리보기
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Prepared by The judge John Weld Peck cininnati chapter of the Federal bar association ; Matthew C. Blickensderfer ... [er al] LexisNexis 2006
17 단행본 Anderson's The simple will in Ohio 미리보기
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Marilyn J. Maag LexisNexis 2007
18 단행본 Anthony & Berryman's magistrates' court guide.2011 미리보기
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edited by F.G. Davies LexisNexis 2010
19 단행본 Antitrust law, policy, and procedure:cases, materials, problems 미리보기
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E. Thomas Sullivan, Herbert Hovenkamp LexisNexis 2007
20 단행본 Appellate advocacy:principles and practice 미리보기
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Ursula Bentele, Eve Cary LexisNexis 2004
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