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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Access to Justice for Children: Towards a Specific Research and Implementation Agenda 미리보기
Liefaard, Ton M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2019
2 저널기사 A Children's Rights Perspective on Food Advertising to Children 미리보기
Handlsey, E.; Nehmy, C.; Mehta, K.; Coveney, J. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2014
3 저널기사 A Children's Rights Perspective on the Participation of Juvenile Defendants in the Youth Court 미리보기
Rap, Stephanie M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2016
4 저널기사 A Child Rights-Based Approach to Anti-Violence Efforts in Schools 미리보기
Collins, Tara M.; Paré, Mona M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2016
5 저널기사 A child's right to enjoy benefits of scientific progress and its applications 미리보기
Gran, B.; Waltz, M.; Renzhofer, H. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2013
6 저널기사 African Children's Right to Participate in their Own Protection. Perspectives from South Sudan 미리보기
Ensor, M.O.; Reinke, A.J. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2014
7 저널기사 Age is Just a Number? Supporting Migrant Young People with Precarious Legal Status in the UK 미리보기
Prabhat, Devyani; Singleton, Ann; Eyles, Robbie M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2019
8 저널기사 A Guide to Resources: 3 미리보기
Freeman, Michael M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2015
9 저널기사 A Human Rights-Based Emotional and Safety Skills Programme for Children in Finland 미리보기
Ala-Luhtala, Riitta; Lottes, Ilsa; Valkama, Sirpa; Liimatainen, Leena M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2015
10 저널기사 Aisling Parkes, Children and International Human Rights Law/The Right of the Child to be Heard 미리보기
Bruning, Mariëlle M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2015
11 저널기사 A Maturing Manifesto: The Constitutionalisation of Children's Rights in South African Jurisprudence 2007-2012 미리보기
Sloth-Nielsen, J.; Kruuse, H. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2013
12 저널기사 An African and International Perspective on Children's Rights: Interview with Dr. Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Chairperson of the African Children's Rights Committee (ACERWC) and for Two Years (2015—2017) the Chair of the UN CRC Committee 미리보기
Veerman, Philip E. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2017
13 저널기사 Anna Holzchiter, Children's Rights in International Politics—The Transformative Power of Discourse 미리보기
Freeman, Michael M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2016
14 저널기사 Anonymous Birth: Expanding the Terms of Debate 미리보기
Margaria, A. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2014
15 저널기사 Aoife Daly, Children, Autonomy and the Courts: Beyond the Right to be Heard 미리보기
Ross, Nicola; Fernando, Michelle M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2018
16 저널기사 Aoife Nolan, Children's Socio-Economic Rights, Democracy and the Courts 미리보기
Freeman, Michael M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2015
17 저널기사 Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children: Where Have We Come from, Where Are We Now and Where to from Here? 미리보기
Henaghan, Mark M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2017
18 저널기사 A South African Perspective of Grade 9 Learners' Experiences of Children's Rights 미리보기
Munongi, Lucia; Pillay, Jace M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2018
19 저널기사 Assessing Compliance with the CRC: Indicators of Law and Policy in 191 Countries 미리보기
Heymann, J.; McNeill, K. M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2014
20 저널기사 Assessing the Effectiveness of Coroners' Inquests in Relation to Child Maltreatment Fatalities: A Human Rights Perspective 미리보기
Martino, Joseph M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2018
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