1 |
Access to genetic and birth origins information for people conceived following third party assisted conception in the United Kingdom
Blyth, E.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
2 |
``Acting Like a Rich Bully''?: Madonna, Mercy, Malawi, and international children's rights law in adoption
Mezmur, B.D.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
3 |
Admission to the United Nations:Charter Article 4 and the rise of universal organization
법학도서관 대출가능
by Thomas D. Grant
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
4 |
Amnesty for crimes against humanity under international law
법학도서관 대출가능
by Faustin Z. Ntoubandi
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
5 |
Analysing the power of the European Union's diplomatic service: do the EU member states control the European External Action Service?
Kostanyan, Hrant
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
6 |
Belligerent reprisals
법학도서관 대출가능
by Frits Kalshoven ; preface by Jean Pictet ; preface to the second edition by Ruth Wedgwood
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
7 |
Between `believers' and `opponents': Critical discussions on children's rights
Reynaert, D.; Bie, M.B.-D.; Vandevelde, S.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
8 |
Boundaries of discourse in the International Court of Justice:mapping arguments in Arab territorial disputes
법학도서관 대출가능
by Michelle L. Burgis
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
9 |
BRICS diplomacy within and beyond Russia: the fifth BRICS summit through the screens of three russian television channels
Grincheva, Natalia
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
10 |
British and Canadian perspectives on international law
법학도서관 대출가능
edited by Christopher P.M. Waters
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
11 |
Centre d'etude et de recherche de droit international et de relations internationales del'Academie de droit international de la Hate
법학도서관 대출가능
[Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.]
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
12 |
Challenges for human rights
법학도서관 대출가능
by Fernando Falco>n y Tella ; translated into English by Howard Shneider
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
13 |
Challenges for Parliamentary Diplomacy in South and South-East Asia and Europe: a practitioner's perspective
Nuttin, Xavier
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
14 |
Children of the Pacific: Giving effect to Article 3 UNCRC in small island states
Farran, S.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
15 |
Children's bioethics:the international biopolitical discourse on harmful traditional practices and the right of the child to cultural identity
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Maya Sabatello
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
16 |
Children's Rights in India: Parents' and Teachers' Attitudes, Knowledge and Perceptions
Deb, S.; Mathews, B.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
17 |
Children's Right to Be Heard: What Children Think
Bosisio, R.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
18 |
Children's Status, Children's Rights and `dealing with' Children
Cassidy, C.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
19 |
China and international fisheries law and policy
법학도서관 대출가능
Guifang Xue
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
20 |
China's legal reform:towards the rule of law
법학도서관 대출가능
Zou Keyuan
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers