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1 저널기사 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in high-risk and elderly patients/ 미리보기
Geraghty, P. J Minerva Medica 2003
2 저널기사 About ascending aortic dilatation during aortic valve replacement/ 미리보기
Robicsek, F Minerva Medica 2003
3 저널기사 A case report of a pleural synovial sarcoma misdiagnosed as cyst hydatidosis/ 미리보기
Yildirim, E Minerva Medica 2003
4 저널기사 Age and gender-related physical activity. A descriptive study in children using accelerometry/ 미리보기
Santos, P Minerva Medica 2003
5 저널기사 Age-related pattern in body composition changes for 18-69 year old women/ 미리보기
Nassis, P Minerva Medica 1900
6 저널기사 Anesthesia for endovascular repair of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms/ 미리보기
Lippmann, M Minerva Medica 2003
7 저널기사 An intracavitary aspergilloma after echinococcal cystectomy/ 미리보기
Ulasan, N. G Minerva Medica 2003
8 저널기사 A novel technique for the repair of complete atrioventricular septal defects: simplified 2-patch technique/ 미리보기
Tireli, E Minerva Medica 2003
9 저널기사 Aortic ruptured following lung resection in invasive aspergillosis/ 미리보기
Silistreli, E Minerva Medica 2003
10 저널기사 A simple less invasive method of radial artery harvesting in coronary artery surgery/ 미리보기
Ochi, M Minerva Medica 2003
11 저널기사 A simple technique to maximize internal thoracic artery lenght/ 미리보기
Ozisik, K Minerva Medica 2003
12 저널기사 A single set of low intensity resistance exercise immediately following high intensity resistance exercise stimulates growth hormone secretion in men/ 미리보기
Goto, K Minerva Medica 2003
13 저널기사 A study of the effects on the ovarian cycle of athletic training in different sports/ 미리보기
Sambanis, M Minerva Medica 1900
14 저널기사 Author's Index/ 미리보기
Minerva Medica 2000
15 저널기사 Authors' Index /// 미리보기
Minerva Medica 2001
16 저널기사 Body size and somatotype characteristics of male golfers in Japan/ 미리보기
Kawashima, K Minerva Medica 1900
17 저널기사 Book reviews /// 미리보기
Minerva Medica 2000
18 저널기사 Book reviews /// 미리보기
Minerva Medica 2001
19 저널기사 Brave New World: the role for endovascular aneurysm repair in contemporary vascular surgery/ 미리보기
Tonnessen, B. H Minerva Medica 2003
20 저널기사 CARDIAC PAPERS - Assessment of perioperative predictive factors influencing survival in patients with postinfarction ventricular septal perforation. Classified by the site of myocardial infarction/ 미리보기
Hirata, N Minerva Medica 2000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
