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검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Encephalomyelitis in mice experimentally infected with Akabane virus / 미리보기
Nakajima, Y National Institute of Animal Health 1979
82 저널기사 English Summaries of the Reports Published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 65 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1972
83 저널기사 English Summaries of the Reports Published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 67 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1973
84 저널기사 English Summaries of the Reports Published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 69 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1974
85 저널기사 English Summaries of the Reports Published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 71 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1975
86 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 72 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1976
87 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 73 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1976
88 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 75 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1977
89 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 77 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1978
90 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 79 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1980
91 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 80 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1980
92 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 81 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1981
93 저널기사 English summaries of the reports published in the Bulletin of the National Institute of Animal Health, No. 83 미리보기
National Institute of Animal Health 1982
94 저널기사 Enhancing Effect of Sonicated Staphylococcal Filtrate on the Colony Formation of Staphylococci from Cattle / 미리보기
FUJIKURA, T National Institute of Animal Health 1966
95 저널기사 Equine Infectious Anemia / 미리보기
ISHITANI, Ruizo National Institute of Animal Health 1970
96 저널기사 Eradication of Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection in a Chicken Flock on a Breeding Farm / 미리보기
Minamimoto, S National Institute of Animal Health 1968
97 저널기사 Establishment of an attenuated strain of porcine parvovirus by serial passage at low temperature / 미리보기
Fujisaki, Y National Institute of Animal Health 1982
98 저널기사 Establishment of Tumor Cell Lines Cultured from Chickens with Avian lymphoid Leukosis / 미리보기
Hihara, H National Institute of Animal Health 1974
99 저널기사 Etiologic studies on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli among isolates from domestic animals in Japan / 미리보기
Ueda, H National Institute of Animal Health 1981
100 저널기사 Evaluation of the fluorescent Antibody-Cell Culture Test for Detection and Titration of Hog Cholera Virus / 미리보기
Lin, T.C National Institute of Animal Health 1969
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