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1 저널기사 Accounting for Income Changes over the Great Recession Relative to Previous Recessions: The Impact of Taxes and Transfers 미리보기
Larrimore, Jeff; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Armour, Philip National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 2015
2 저널기사 (A) cross-section analysis of IRS auditing 미리보기
O. Homer Erekson,;Dennis H. Sullivan. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
3 저널기사 Address 미리보기
MICHAEL J. MURPHY. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
4 저널기사 A Destination-Based Cash Flow Tax Can Be Structured to Comply with World Trade Organization Rules 미리보기
Grinberg, Itai National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 2017
5 저널기사 Administrative Costs of State Lotteries 미리보기
DeBoer, Larry National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1985
6 저널기사 Advice to the next president: toward a more rational corporate income tax 미리보기
B. KIPLING HAGOPIAN. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
7 저널기사 (A) dynamic analysis of the research and experimentation credit 미리보기
Rosanne Altshuler. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
8 저널기사 After Wayfair: What Are State Use Taxes Worth? 미리보기
Mikesell, John L.; Ross, Justin M. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 2019
9 저널기사 A Good Tax: Legal and Policy Issues for the Property Tax in the United States, by Joan Youngman 미리보기
Ross, Justin M. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 2017
10 저널기사 (A) long view of tax refome 미리보기
Mark McConaghy. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1986
11 저널기사 (A) long view of tax reform 미리보기
John F. Witte. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1986
12 저널기사 Amnesties for state tax evaders: the nature of and response to recent programs 미리보기
John L. Mikesell. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1986
13 저널기사 Amnesty and creative tax administration 미리보기
Ira A. Jackson. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1986
14 저널기사 (A) model to measure the effects of taxes on the real and financial decisions of the firm 미리보기
Serge Nadeau. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
15 저널기사 (A) modern analysis of the effects of site value taxation 미리보기
Jan K. Brueckner. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1986
16 저널기사 (An) empirical analysis of federal income tax auditing and compliance 미리보기
Jeffrey A. Dubin,;Louis L. Wilde. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
17 저널기사 (An) IRS view of tax reform implementation 미리보기
Richard C. Stark. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1987
18 저널기사 (A) note on the effect of a common misspecification of the median voter model 미리보기
Paul Gary Wyckokff. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1987
19 저널기사 (A) note on the expenditure tax and progressivity 미리보기
Michael R. Veall. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 1987
20 저널기사 (A) note on the tax-induced clientele effect and tax reform 미리보기
Kenneth R. Ferris,;William R. Reichenstein. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
