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541 저널기사 Improving Exposed Subsoils with Fertilizers and Crop Rotations 미리보기
Freeborn, L. L. Mackey, B. E. Robbins, C. W. Soil Science Society of America 1993
542 저널기사 Improving Numerical Modeling of Two-Dimensional Water Flow in Variably Saturated, Heterogenous Porous Media 미리보기
Wierenga, P. J. Pan, L. Soil Science Society of America 1993
543 저널기사 Incorporating Nonextractable Atrazine Residues into Soil Size Fractions as a Function of Time 미리보기
Barriuso, E. Koskinen, W. C. Soil Science Society of America 1993
544 저널기사 Incorporating Spatial Trends and Anisotropy in Geostatistical Mapping ofSoil Properties 미리보기
Hergert, G. W. Crawford, C. A. G. Soil Science Society of America 1993
545 저널기사 Indigenous Knowledge and Classification of Soils in the Andes of Southern Peru 미리보기
Sandor, J. A. Furbee, L. Soil Science Society of America 1993
546 저널기사 Infiltration and Surface Geometry Features of a Swelling Soil following Successive Simulated Rainstorms/ 미리보기
Wells, R. R Soil Science Society of America 2003
547 저널기사 Infiltration Models for the Disk Infiltrometer 미리보기
Zhang, R Soil Science Society of America 1980
548 저널기사 Influence of Hydroperiod on Litter Conversion to Soil Organic Matter in a Floodplain Forest 미리보기
Clawson, R. G. Lockaby, B. G. Wheat, R. S. Soil Science Society of America 1993
549 저널기사 Influence of Organic Acids on Selenite Sorption by Poorly Ordered Aluminum Hydroxides 미리보기
Huang, P. M. Dynes, J. J. Soil Science Society of America 1993
550 저널기사 Influence of Spatial Structure on Accuracy of Interpolation Methods/ 미리보기
Kravchenko, A. N Soil Science Society of America 2003
551 저널기사 Inorganic Nitrogen in Soil Solution Collected with Tensionic Samplers 미리보기
Moutonnet, P. Fardeau, J. C. Soil Science Society of America 1993
552 저널기사 Inorganic Phosphorus Transformation and Transport in Soils: MathematicalModeling in ecosys 미리보기
Grant, R. F. Heaney, D. J. Soil Science Society of America 1993
553 저널기사 In-season Nitrogen Status Sensing in Irrigated Cotton: II. Leaf Nitrogen and Biomass/ 미리보기
Bronson, K. F Soil Science Society of America 2003
554 저널기사 In-season Nitrogen Status Sensing in Irrigated Cotton: I. Yields and Nitrogen-15 Recovery/ 미리보기
Chua, T. T Soil Science Society of America 2003
555 저널기사 Insight into the Active Organic Nitrogen Pool Estimated by Isotopic Equilibrium Approaches/ 미리보기
Wang, W. J Soil Science Society of America 2003
556 저널기사 Interpretation of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Agricultural and Afforested Soils/ 미리보기
Paul, E. A Soil Science Society of America 2003
557 저널기사 Interrill Soil Erosion and Slope Steepness Factors 미리보기
Foster, G. R. Bradford, J. M. Soil Science Society of America 1993
558 저널기사 Ion-Chromatographic Analysis of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids in Spodosol Forest Floor Solutions 미리보기
Blaylock, M. J. David, M. B. Krzyszowska, A. J. Vance, G. F. Soil Science Society of America 1993
559 저널기사 Ionic Strength Effects on Sulfate and Phosphate Adsorption on gamma-Alumina and Kaolinite: Triple-Layer Model 미리보기
Baligar, V. C. Zelazny, L. W. Ritchey, K. D. He, L. M. Soil Science Society of America 1993
560 저널기사 Iron and Manganese Distribution in Nodules from a Young Texas Vertisol 미리보기
White, G. N. Dixon, J. B. Soil Science Society of America 1993
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