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161 단행본 Birds' modern insurance law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by John Birds Sweet & Maxwell 2012
162 단행본 Birds' modern insurance law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by John Birds Sweet & Maxwell 2013
163 저널기사 Bitcoin-Is it Just a Fad? History, Current Status and Future of the Cyber-Currency Revolution 미리보기
Anderson, T.A. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
164 저널기사 Blocking Injunctions and Website Operators' Liability for Copyright Infringement for User-Generated Links 미리보기
Savola, P. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
165 저널기사 BMW v Round & Metal: First UK Decision on the Community Design ``Repair Clause'' 미리보기
Cornwell, J. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
166 저널기사 Bonus Caps-A Step to Ever Closer Union or Fragmentation in the European Union? 미리보기
Hill, J.; Ligere, E. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
167 저널기사 Boring Booze Bottle Shape Trade Mark Rejected by the General Court: Even Though it Bore a Registered Word Mark 미리보기
Meale, D.; Kendziur, D. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
168 저널기사 Bowman v Monsanto: Exhaustion versus Making 미리보기
Stern, R.H. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
169 저널기사 Brazil ARBITRATION Interim measures 미리보기
unknown Sweet & Maxwell 2012
170 저널기사 Brazil TAX Double taxation 미리보기
unknown Sweet & Maxwell 2012
171 저널기사 Building a Cashless Economy in Nigeria: An Analysis of the Policy Framework and Proposals for Responses 미리보기
Jerome, O.U. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
172 저널기사 Building a Corporate Governance System in Jordan: A Critique of the Current Framework 미리보기
Malkawi, B.H. Sweet & Maxwell 2008
173 단행본 Building contracts:including a commentary on the J.C.T. Standard Form of Building Contract 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Donald Keating Sweet & Maxwell 1978
174 저널기사 Bulgaria 미리보기
Krustev, A.N. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
175 저널기사 Bulgaria 미리보기
Krustev, A.N. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
176 단행본 Bullen and Leake and Jacob's Precedents of pleadings in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Bullen, Edward Sweet & Maxwell 1984
177 저널기사 Business as Usual? The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and EU Media Law and Policies 미리보기
Burri, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
178 저널기사 Business Tenancies, Redevelopment and the Loss of Renewal Rights: Deconstructing Ground (f) 미리보기
Haley, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2010
179 저널기사 Byles on Bills of Exchange and Cheques by Nicholas Elliott QC, John Odgers QC and Jonathan Mark Phillips 미리보기
Downes, P. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
180 단행본 Byles on bills of exchange:the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes and cheques 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Maurice Megrah and Frank R. Ryder ; with the assistance of Antonio Bueno Sweet & Maxwell 1983
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