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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Effects of location of stimulus occlusion, stimulus velocity, and gender on conincidence-anticipation timing performance / 미리보기
Payne, V.G Teviot Scientific 1990
122 저널기사 Effects of Multiple Correct Model Demonstrations on Cognitive Representation Development and Performance Accuracy in Motor Skill Acquisition / 미리보기
Laguna, P.L Teviot Scientific 1999
123 저널기사 Effects of object size and experimental design on object reception by children in the first grade / 미리보기
Payne, V.G Teviot Scientific 1985
124 저널기사 Effects of partial sleep loss on subjective states, psychomotor and physical performance tests / 미리보기
REILLY, THOMAS Teviot Scientific 1983
125 저널기사 Effects of Performance-Based Schedules of Feedback on the Learning of a Two-Dimensional Arm-Positioning Task / 미리보기
Butler, M.S Teviot Scientific 1999
126 저널기사 Effects of selected kinematic and kinetic variables on instep kicking with dominant and nondominant limbs / 미리보기
Barfield, W.R Teviot Scientific 1995
127 저널기사 Effects of statically performed toe touch stretches on torque production of the hamstrings and the quadriceps muscle groups / 미리보기
Thigpen, L.K Teviot Scientific 1989
128 저널기사 Effects of the competitive season of physical fitness profile in elite basketball players / 미리보기
HAKKINEN, K Teviot Scientific 1988
129 저널기사 Effects of the degree of competence symmetry in the acquisition of a motor skill in a dyad / 미리보기
D'Arripe-Longueville, F Teviot Scientific 1995
130 저널기사 Effects of the stretch-shortening strength training on kicking performance in soccer players / 미리보기
Veselin, Jelusic Teviot Scientific 1992
131 저널기사 Effects of Time Constraints on the Interplay Between Structural and Energetical Mechanisms on the Motor Side of Information Processing / 미리보기
Priout, P Teviot Scientific 1998
132 저널기사 Effects of Training Including Biomechanical Biofeedback in Swimmers with Cerebral Palsy / 미리보기
Moretto, P Teviot Scientific 1996
133 저널기사 Effects of Variations in Spontaneously Chosen Rate During Crank Upper-Body and Swimming Exercise / 미리보기
Pelayo, P Teviot Scientific 1997
134 저널기사 Effects of walking Speed on Foot Loading Patterns/ 미리보기
Perttunen, J.R Teviot Scientific 2001
135 저널기사 Effects on the Center of Gravity and Foot Pressure Contribution to Standing Balance Associated with Aging in Healthy Adults / 미리보기
Tanaka, T Teviot Scientific 1998
136 저널기사 Effort Perception during Isotonic Muscle Contractions with Superimposed Mechanical Vibratory Stimulation / 미리보기
Liebermann, D.G Teviot Scientific 1997
137 저널기사 Electromyographical Examination of Human Muscle Fatigue of Maximal Intensity : 미리보기
Stefanidis, P Teviot Scientific 2001
138 저널기사 Encoding-retrieval compatibility and depth of processing in recognition motor memory / 미리보기
RUDISILL, M.E Teviot Scientific 1988
139 저널기사 Energy Cost, Perceived Exertion and Postural Adjustments When Treadmill Walking With Two Types of Backpack / 미리보기
Madras, D.E Teviot Scientific 1998
140 저널기사 Examining Vertical Velocity Measurements in the Pike and Flat Swimming Starts and Preference for Male and Female Collegiate Swimmers / 미리보기
Mills, B.D Teviot Scientific 1996
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