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1 저널기사 Administrative Constitutionalism 미리보기
Metzger, G.E. Texas Law Review Association 2013
2 저널기사 Aligning the Incentives to Disclosure of Relevant Information to the USPTO: How the Jury Instruction Standards in Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Could Aid the Examination Process 미리보기
Deane, M.C. Texas Law Review Association 2013
3 저널기사 Answering the ``Call to Service'': Encouraging Volunteerism by Protecting Doctors as We Protect Ourselves 미리보기
Selcoe, Jacy M. Texas Law Review Association 2015
4 저널기사 Antislavery Women and the Origins of American Jurisprudence Alfred L. Brophy 미리보기
Roth s, Sarah N. Texas Law Review Association 2015
5 저널기사 Applying State Contingency Fee Caps in Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) Settlements 미리보기
Hughes, M. Texas Law Review Association 2013
6 저널기사 Arbitration Unbound: How the Yukos Oil Decision Yields Uncertainty for International-Investment Arbitration 미리보기
Serhan, Lena U. Texas Law Review Association 2016
7 저널기사 Arbitration Under Siege: Reforming Consumer and Employment Arbitration and Class Actions 미리보기
Padis, G. Texas Law Review Association 2013
8 저널기사 Archangel Problems: The SEC and Corporate Liability 미리보기
Patton, S.P. Texas Law Review Association 2014
9 저널기사 A Renewed Need for Collective Action: The Trust Indenture Act of 1939 and Out-of-Court Restructurings 미리보기
Groendyke, Harold B. Texas Law Review Association 2015
10 저널기사 Are We All Originalists Now? I Hope Not! 미리보기
Fleming, J.E. Texas Law Review Association 2013
11 저널기사 Assembly Resurrected 미리보기
Bhagwat, A.A. Texas Law Review Association 2012
12 저널기사 A Status Quo Bias: Behavioral Economics and the Federal Preliminary Injunction Standard 미리보기
Powers, J. Texas Law Review Association 2014
13 저널기사 Authoritarian Legal Ethics: Bradley Wendel and the Positivist Turn 미리보기
Simon, W.H. Texas Law Review Association 2012
14 저널기사 Banker Loyalty in Mergers and Acquisitions 미리보기
Tuch, Andrew F. Texas Law Review Association 2015
15 저널기사 Bargaining over Loyalty 미리보기
Crane, D.A. Texas Law Review Association 2013
16 저널기사 Beyond the Incentive-Access Paradigm? Product Differentiation & Copyright Revisited 미리보기
Bracha, O.; Syed, T. Texas Law Review Association 2014
17 저널기사 Beyond the Patents-Prizes Debate 미리보기
Hemel, D.J.; Ouellette, L.L. Texas Law Review Association 2013
18 저널기사 Blowing the Whistle on Civil Rights: Analyzing the False Claims Act as an Alternative Enforcement Method for Civil Rights Laws 미리보기
Mayrell, R.C. Texas Law Review Association 2012
19 저널기사 Bridging the Information Gap: The Department of Justice's ``Pattern or Practice'' Suits and Community Organizations 미리보기
Holmes, A. Texas Law Review Association 2014
20 저널기사 Buchanan v. Warley and the Limits of Substantive Due Process as Antidiscrimination Law 미리보기
Rubin, B.M. Texas Law Review Association 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
