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1 단행본 2005 bankruptcy reform legislation with analysis 2d:commentary and highlighted text of the United States Bankruptcy Code as amended by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Public Law 109-8 미리보기
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by William Houston Brown and Lawrence R. Ahern III Thomson/West 2006
2 단행본 Acing civil procedure:a checklist approach to solving procedural problems 미리보기
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A. Benjamin Spencer Thomson/West 2011
3 단행본 Acing negotiable instruments:a checklist approach to negotiable instruments 미리보기
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David J. Leibson Thomson/West 2010
4 단행본 Administrative law and process 미리보기
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by Richard J. Pierce, Sidney A. Shapiro, Paul R. Verkuil Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2004
5 단행본 Administrative law and process in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Ernest Gellhorn, Ronald M. Levin Thomson/West 2006
6 단행본 Administrative law stories 미리보기
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edited by Peter L. Strauss Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2006
7 단행본 Admiralty and maritime law 미리보기
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by Thomas J. Schoenbaum Thomson/West 2004
8 단행본 Admiralty in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Frank L. Maraist, Thomas C. Galligan, Catherine M. Maraist Thomson/West 2010
9 단행본 Admiralty in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Frank L. Maraist, Thomas C. Galligan Thomson/West 2005
10 단행본 ADR in the workplace 미리보기
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by Laura J. Cooper, Dennis R. Nolan, and Richard A. Bales for the Labor Law Group Thomson/West 2005
11 단행본 Advanced criminal procedure:cases, comments, and questions 미리보기
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by Yale Kamisar ... [et al.] Thomson/West 2005
12 단행본 Advanced criminal procedure in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Mark E. Cammack, Norman M. Garland Thomson/West 2006
13 단행본 Agency, partnership, and the LLC in a nutshell 미리보기
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by J. Dennis Hynes and Mark J. Loewenstein Thomson/West 2012
14 단행본 American constitutional interpretation 미리보기
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by Walter F. Murphy ... [et al.] Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2003
15 단행본 American constitutional interpretation 미리보기
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by Walter F. Murphy ... [et al.] Foundation Press ; Thomson/West 2008
16 단행본 American constitutional law 미리보기
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Otis H. Stephens, Jr., John M. Scheb, II Thomson/West 2003
17 단행본 American constitutional law:structure and reconstruction : cases, notes, and problems 미리보기
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by Charles A. Shanor Thomson/West 2003
18 단행본 American criminal procedure:cases and commentary 미리보기
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by Stephen A. Saltzburg, Daniel J. Capra Thomson/West 2004
19 단행본 American Indian law in a nutshell 미리보기
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by William C. Canby, Jr Thomson/West 2004
20 단행본 American law and the American legal system in a nutshell 미리보기
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by Lloyd Bonfield Thomson/West 2006
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