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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 China's energy outlook to the year 2030 미리보기
Zhidong, L. Unesco; 1999 2005
62 저널기사 China's longer-term energy strategy and its implication on CO~2 emissions 미리보기
Aling, Z.; Xiaohua, Z.; Zongxin, W. Unesco; 1999 2005
63 저널기사 China's spatial-temporal pattern of population and energy 미리보기
Ma, X.-W. Unesco; 1999 2009
64 저널기사 China targets 20% reduction in energy intensity by 2010 미리보기
Liao, H.; Fan, Y.; Wei, Y.-M. Unesco; 1999 2009
65 저널기사 Civic markets: the case of the California energy crisis 미리보기
Clark, W. W.; Lund, H. Unesco; 1999 2001
66 저널기사 Climate change drives wind turbines in China: case study of market based wind power development 미리보기
Yang, M. Unesco; 1999 2004
67 저널기사 CO~2 emissions mitigation policies and their effects on the Thailand energy system 미리보기
Nakata, T.; Ratananakorn, M. Unesco; 1999 2007
68 저널기사 Coal market outlook in China 미리보기
Zhufeng, Y.; Xingzhou, Z. Unesco; 1999 2005
69 저널기사 Combining indicators of energy consumption and CO~2 emissions: a cross-country comparison 미리보기
Ramanathan, R. Unesco; 1999 2002
70 저널기사 Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with methyl esters of pungam oil and rice bran oil 미리보기
Rao, G.L.N.; Nallusamy, N.; Sampath, S.; Rajagopal, K. Unesco; 1999 2008
71 저널기사 Comparative study of steam injection effects on operation of gas turbine cycles 미리보기
Mohamed, H. Unesco; 1999 2007
72 저널기사 Comparison of performance prediction of solar water heaters between Artificial Neural Networks and conventional correlations 미리보기
Razavi, J.; Riazi, M.R.; Raoufi, F.; Sadeghi, A. Unesco; 1999 2009
73 저널기사 Comparison of single phase self excited induction generator excitation configurations using the main and auxiliary windings for a micro hydro system 미리보기
Oh, T.; Freere, P. Unesco; 1999 2005
74 저널기사 Comprehensive substantiation of the adaptive development of energy systems in terms of changing external conditions 미리보기
Voropai, N. I.; Klimenko, S. M.; Krivorutsky, L. D.; Pyatkova, N. I.; Rabchuk, V. I.; Senderov, S. M.; Trufanov, V. V.; Cheltsov, M. B. Unesco; 1999 2004
75 저널기사 Consumers' choices among alternative electricity programmes in Geneva - an empirical analysis 미리보기
Weber, S.; Baranzini, A.; Fragniere, E. Unesco; 1999 2009
76 저널기사 Control of dynamic effects in small hydro with long hydraulic circuits 미리보기
Ramos, H.; de Almeida, A. B. Unesco; 1999 2005
77 저널기사 Cooling and heating potential of earth-air tunnel heat exchanger (EATHE) for non-air-conditioned building 미리보기
Kumar, R.; Kaushik, S. C.; Srikonda, A. R. Unesco; 1999 2003
78 저널기사 Cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and developed countries on energy and environmental conservation 미리보기
Michna, J. Unesco; 1999 2003
79 저널기사 Cooperation between developed countries and the Republic of Latvia in the field of energy: globalisation 미리보기
Oss, A.; Zeltina, L.; Zeltinsh, N. Unesco; 1999 2003
80 저널기사 Cooperation between Lithuania and Western countries on energy sector development issues 미리보기
Miskinis, V. Unesco; 1999 2003
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