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101 저널기사 Driving factors of non-commercial biomass consumption: a multivariate approach 미리보기
Ban, J. Unesco; 1999 2001
102 저널기사 DSTATCOM for power quality improvement in a four-wire electric distribution system 미리보기
Singh, B.; Adya, A.; Mittal, A. P.; Gupta, J. R. P. Unesco; 1999 2006
103 저널기사 E-commerce, paper and energy use: a case study concerning a Dutch electronic computer retailer 미리보기
Hoogeveen, M. J.; Reijnders, L. Unesco; 1999 2002
104 저널기사 Economic damage control for greenhouse gas emissions 미리보기
Gottinger, H. W. Unesco; 1999 2003
105 저널기사 Economic development through state ownership of oil and gas: evaluating Alaska's royalty-in-kind programme 미리보기
Berman, M. D. Unesco; 1999 2006
106 저널기사 Economic, energy and ecological aspects of energy resource consumption in Ukraine 미리보기
Gnedoy, N.; Dubovskoy, S.; Kulik, M. Unesco; 1999 2003
107 저널기사 Economic evaluation and environmental benefits of biofuel: an Indian perspective 미리보기
Chandel, A.K.; Kapoor, R.K.; Narasu, M.L.; Viswadevan, V.; Kumaran, S.G.S.; Rudravaram, R.; Rao, L.V.; Tripathi, K.K.; Lal, B.; Kuhad, R.C. Unesco; 1999 2007
108 저널기사 Economic impact of the valuation of life cycle CO~2 emissions from renewable and fossil energy systems 미리보기
Nadal, G. Unesco; 1999 2001
109 저널기사 Economics of large-scale intermittent RES-E integration into the European grids: analyses based on the simulation software GreenNet 미리보기
Auer, H.; Huber, C.; Faber, T.; Resch, G.; Obersteiner, C.; Weissensteiner, L.; Haas, R. Unesco; 1999 2006
110 저널기사 Editorial: Energy and environment interactions 미리보기
Dincer, I. Unesco; 1999 2001
111 저널기사 Editorial: Requirements for accelerated transformation of energy systems in civil and industrial infrastructure 미리보기
Inyang, H.I.; Benchikh, O.; Piet, S.J. Unesco; 1999 2007
112 저널기사 Editorial: Technology evolution and energy modelling: overview of research and findings 미리보기
Capros, P. Unesco; 1999 2000
113 저널기사 Effect of different solid concentration on biogas yield and composition during anaerobic fermentation process 미리보기
Wu, L.; Hao, Y.; Sun, C.; Liu, R. Unesco; 1999 2009
114 저널기사 Effect of soil pollution on substructures 미리보기
Al-Amoudi, O. S. B. Unesco; 1999 2001
115 저널기사 Effect of the compound additives on anaerobic fermentation slurry for killing aphides 미리보기
Quanguo, Z.; Sulan, W.; Ruyan, Z.; Pengpeng, L. Unesco; 1999 2007
116 저널기사 Effects of anaerobic fermentation residue of biogas production on the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage and nutrient accumulations in soil 미리보기
Wang, Y.; Shen, F.; Liu, R.; Wu, L. Unesco; 1999 2008
117 저널기사 Effects of cloud microphysical parameters on the global energy budget 미리보기
Gultepe, I. Unesco; 1999 2001
118 저널기사 Effects of socioeconomic factors on household appliance, lighting, and space cooling electricity consumption 미리보기
Aydinalp, M.; Ugursal, V. I.; Fung, A. S. Unesco; 1999 2004
119 저널기사 Electricity demand analysis - unconstrained vs constrained scenarios 미리보기
Balachandra, P.; Chandru, V.; Subrahmanya, M. H. B. Unesco; 1999 2003
120 저널기사 Electricity market deregulation and energy security: a study of the UK and Singapore electricity markets 미리보기
Chang, Y.; Lee, J.L. Unesco; 1999 2008
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