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261 저널기사 Activation of vascular endothelial growth factor A transcription in tumorigenic glioblastoma cell lines by an enhancer with cell type-specific DNase I accessibility 미리보기
Liang, Y.; Li, X.-Y.; Rebar, E. J.; Li, P.; Zhou, Y.; Chen, B.; Wolffe, A. P.; Case, C. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
262 저널기사 Activation of ZAP-70 through specific dephosphorylation at the inhibitory Tyr-292 by the low molecular weight phosphotyrosine phosphatase (LMPTP) 미리보기
Bottini, N.; Stefanini, L.; Williams, S.; Alonso, A.; Jascur, T.; Abraham, R. T.; Couture, C.; Mustelin, T. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
263 저널기사 Activation of zeaxanthin is an obligatory event in the regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting 미리보기
Ruban, A. V.; Pascal, A. A.; Robert, B.; Horton, P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
264 저널기사 Activator of G-protein signaling 1 blocks GIRK channel activation by a G-protein-coupled receptor. Apparent disruption of receptor signaling complexes 미리보기
Takesono, A.; Nowak, M. W.; Cismowski, M.; Duzic, E.; Lanier, S. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
265 저널기사 Active Caspase-8 Translocates into the Nucleus of Apoptotic Cells to Inactivate Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-2 미리보기
Benchoua, A.; Couriaud, C.; Guegan, C.; Tartier, L.; Couvert, P.; Friocourt, G.; Chelly, J.; Murcia, J. M.-d.; Onteniente, B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
266 저널기사 Active Lipoprotein Precursors in the Gram-positive Eubacterium Lactococcus lactis 미리보기
Venema, R.; Tjalsma, H.; van Dijl, J. M.; de Jong, A.; Leenhouts, K.; Buist, G.; Venema, G. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
267 저널기사 Active Nuclear Import and Export Pathways Regulate E2F-5 Subcellular Localization 미리보기
Apostolova, M. D.; Ivanova, I. A.; Dagnino, C.; D Souza, S. J. A.; Dagnino, L. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
268 저널기사 Active Rhodanese Lacking Nonessential Sulfhydryl Groups Contains an Unstable C-terminal Domain and Can Be Bound, Inactivated, and Reactivated by GroEL 미리보기
Ybarra, J.; Bhattacharyya, A. M.; Panda, M.; Horowitz, P. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
269 저널기사 Active Rho kinase (ROK-alpha) associates with insulin receptor substrate-1 and inhibits insulin signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells 미리보기
Begum, N.; Sandu, O. A.; Ito, M.; Lohmann, S. M.; Smolenski, A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
270 저널기사 Active site blockade of factor VIIa alters its intracellular distribution 미리보기
Iakhiaev, A.; Pendurthi, U. R.; Rao, L. V. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
271 저널기사 Active Site Contribution to Specificity of the Aspartic Proteases Plasmepsins I and II 미리보기
Siripurkpong, P.; Yuvaniyama, J.; Wilairat, P.; Goldberg, D. E. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
272 저널기사 Active Site in RrmJ, a Heat Shock-induced Methyltransferase 미리보기
Hager, J.; Staker, B. L.; Bugl, H.; Jakob, U. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
273 저널기사 Active Site Mapping and Substrate Channeling in the Sterol Methyltransferase Pathway 미리보기
Nes, W. D.; Marshall, J. A.; Jia, Z.; Jaradat, T. T.; Song, Z.; Jayasimha, P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
274 저널기사 Active site mutation in DNA polymerase gamma associated with progressive external ophthalmoplegia causes error-prone DNA synthesis 미리보기
Ponamarev, M. V.; Longley, M. J.; Nguyen, D.; Kunkel, T. A.; Copeland, W. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
275 저널기사 Active site mutations in DNA topoisomerase I distinguish the cytotoxic activities of camptothecin and the indolocarbazole, rebeccamycin 미리보기
Woo, M. H.; Vance, J. R.; Marcos, A. R. O.; Bailly, C.; Bjornsti, M.-A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
276 저널기사 Active-site residues governing high steroid isomerase activity in human glutathione transferase A3-3 미리보기
Johansson, A.-S.; Mannervik, B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
277 저널기사 Active site residues of cephalosporin acylase are critical not only for enzymatic catalysis but also for post-translational modification 미리보기
Kim, S.; Kim, Y. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
278 저널기사 Active site residues of cyclophilin A are crucial for its signaling activity via CD147 미리보기
Yurchenko, V.; Zybarth, G.; O Connor, M.; Dai, W. W.; Franchin, G.; Hao, T.; Guo, H.; Hung, H.-C.; Toole, B.; Gallay, P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
279 저널기사 Activin A Signaling Induces Smad2, but Not Smad3, Requiring Protein Kinase A Activity in Granulosa Cells from the Avian Ovary 미리보기
Schmierer, B.; Schuster, M. K.; Shkumatava, A.; Kuchler, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
280 저널기사 Activity of recombinant dengue 2 virus NS3 protease in the presence of a truncated NS3B co-factor, small peptide substrates, and inhibitors 미리보기
Leung, D.; Schroder, K.; White, H.; Fang, N.-X.; Stoermer, M. J.; Abbenante, G.; Martin, J. L.; Young, P. R.; Fairlie, D. P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
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