2881 |
Volatile emissions from the crater and flank of Oldoinyo Lengai volcano,Tanzania
Koepenick, K. W
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2882 |
Volatility and size of cloud condensation nuclei
Hudson, J. G
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2883 |
Volcanic constructs on Ganymede and Enceladus: Topographic evidence fromstereo images and photoclinometry
Schenk, P. M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2884 |
Volcanic perturbation of the atmosphere in both polar regions: 1991-1994
Herber, A
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2885 |
Volcanological and petrological evolution of Vulcano island (Aeolian Arc, southern Tyrrhenian Sea)
De Astis, G
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2886 |
Volumetric heating in coronal streamers
Suess, S. T
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2887 |
Voyager electron density measurements on Saturn: Analysis with a time dependent ionospheric model
Majeed, T
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2888 |
Warm protons at geosynchronous orbit
Gary, S. P
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2889 |
Water mass and coastal current variability near Barbados, West Indies
Stansfield, K. L
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2890 |
Water soluble dicarboxylic acids and related compounds in Antarctic aerosols
Kawamura, K
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2891 |
Water table control of CH~4 emission enhancement by vascular plants in boreal peatlands
Waddington, J. M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2892 |
Wave breaking signatures in OH airglow and sodium densities and temperatures, 1, Airglow imaging, Na lidar, and MF radar observations
Hecht, J. H
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2893 |
Wave breaking signatures in sodium densities and OH nightglow, 2, Simulation of wave and instability structures
Fritts, D. C
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2894 |
Wavelength and direction filtering by magnetic measurements at satellitearrays: Generalized minimum variance analysis
Motschmann, U
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2895 |
Wave resonances and induced flow due to nonlinear Alfven waves in a stratified atmosphere
Stark, B. A
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2896 |
Waves and currents over a fixed rippled bed, 1. Bottom roughness experienced by waves in the presence and absence of currents
Mathisen, P. P
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2897 |
Waves and currents over a fixed rippled bed, 2. Bottom and apparent roughness experienced by currents in the presence of waves
Mathisen, P. P
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2898 |
Waves and streams in the expanding solar wind
Grappin, R
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2899 |
Waves and turbulence in high Mach number nearly parallel collisionless shocks
Scholer, M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2900 |
Weddell Sea ice drift: Kinematics and wind forcing
Vihma, T
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press