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검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
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2901 저널기사 Wet and dry deposition of nitrogen compounds in the southeast Pacific coast: Montemar, central Chile 미리보기
Prado-Fiedler, R William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2902 저널기사 What controls the origin of the Indonesian throughflow? 미리보기
Nof, D William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2903 저널기사 What Should Be the Involvement of Foreign Veterinary Students in U.S. and Canadian Veterinary Education? 미리보기
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2904 저널기사 Where did tropospheric ozone over southern Africa and the tropical Atlantic come from in October 1992? Insights from TOMS, GTE TRACE A, and SAFARI 1992 미리보기
Thompson, A. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2905 저널기사 Whistler absorption and electron heating near the plasmapause 미리보기
Thorne, R. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2906 저널기사 Whistler instability: Electron anisotropy upper bound 미리보기
Gary, S. P William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2907 저널기사 Whistler wave interaction with a density striation: A laboratory investigation of an auroral process 미리보기
Bamber, J. F William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2908 저널기사 Why there are no earthquakes on the Marquesas Fracture Zone 미리보기
Jordahl, K. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2909 저널기사 Wide-angle, three-component seismic reflection profiling of the crust along the East Coast Gravity High, southern Appalachians, using quarry blasts 미리보기
Hawman, R. B William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2910 저널기사 Wind and temperature profiles in the boundary layer above the Kruger National Park during SAFARI-92 미리보기
Held, G William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2911 저널기사 Wind-forced modeling studies of currents, meanders, and eddies in the California Current system 미리보기
Batteen, M. L William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2912 저널기사 Wind speed dependence of acoustic backscattering 미리보기
Nuetzel, B William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2913 저널기사 Wind velocity and temperature fluctuations due to a 2-day wave observed with radio meteor echoes 미리보기
Tsutsumi, M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2914 저널기사 Winter snow cover on sea ice in the Weddell Sea 미리보기
Massom, R. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2915 저널기사 Winter upwelling off Luzon in the northeastern South China Sea 미리보기
Shaw, P.-T William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2916 저널기사 Wonderland climate model 미리보기
Hansen, J William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2917 저널기사 World-Regional Situations: Personal Experiences and Impressions 미리보기
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2918 저널기사 Worldwide wavelet analysis of geomagnetic jerks 미리보기
Alexandrescu, M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2919 저널기사 Wrinkle-like slip pulse on a fault between different materials 미리보기
Andrews, D. J William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2920 저널기사 X ray microbursts in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly 미리보기
Pinto, O William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
맨앞 이전 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 
