2901 |
Wet and dry deposition of nitrogen compounds in the southeast Pacific coast: Montemar, central Chile
Prado-Fiedler, R
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2902 |
What controls the origin of the Indonesian throughflow?
Nof, D
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2903 |
What Should Be the Involvement of Foreign Veterinary Students in U.S. and Canadian Veterinary Education?
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2904 |
Where did tropospheric ozone over southern Africa and the tropical Atlantic come from in October 1992? Insights from TOMS, GTE TRACE A, and SAFARI 1992
Thompson, A. M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2905 |
Whistler absorption and electron heating near the plasmapause
Thorne, R. M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2906 |
Whistler instability: Electron anisotropy upper bound
Gary, S. P
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2907 |
Whistler wave interaction with a density striation: A laboratory investigation of an auroral process
Bamber, J. F
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2908 |
Why there are no earthquakes on the Marquesas Fracture Zone
Jordahl, K. A
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2909 |
Wide-angle, three-component seismic reflection profiling of the crust along the East Coast Gravity High, southern Appalachians, using quarry blasts
Hawman, R. B
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2910 |
Wind and temperature profiles in the boundary layer above the Kruger National Park during SAFARI-92
Held, G
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2911 |
Wind-forced modeling studies of currents, meanders, and eddies in the California Current system
Batteen, M. L
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2912 |
Wind speed dependence of acoustic backscattering
Nuetzel, B
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2913 |
Wind velocity and temperature fluctuations due to a 2-day wave observed with radio meteor echoes
Tsutsumi, M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2914 |
Winter snow cover on sea ice in the Weddell Sea
Massom, R. A
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2915 |
Winter upwelling off Luzon in the northeastern South China Sea
Shaw, P.-T
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2916 |
Wonderland climate model
Hansen, J
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2917 |
World-Regional Situations: Personal Experiences and Impressions
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2918 |
Worldwide wavelet analysis of geomagnetic jerks
Alexandrescu, M
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2919 |
Wrinkle-like slip pulse on a fault between different materials
Andrews, D. J
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
2920 |
X ray microbursts in the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly
Pinto, O
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press