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1321 저널기사 16 BIEMH focuses on flexibility 미리보기
MacLean-Hunter Pub.] 1990
1322 저널기사 1,6-Bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2,5-diaza-3,4-dimethyl-1,3,5-hexatrienatocobalt(Ⅱ) 미리보기
UECHI, TETSUO Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1976
1323 저널기사 1,6-Conjugate Addition to o-Vinylphenyloxazolines. Syntheses of Chuangxinol and 3-n-Butylphthalide 미리보기
Montserrat Martinez, M Pergamon Press 1980
1324 저널기사 16-Demethoxycarbonyl-20-epirvatamine. 미리보기
RICHE, CLAUDE Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
1325 저널기사 (1,6-Dichloro-1,5-cyclooctadiene)(2,4-pentanedionato)rhodium(I) 미리보기
HUML, K Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
1326 저널기사 1,6-Dicyano-2-hydroxy-8,9-dimethyltricyclo[]dec-3,9-dien-5-one 미리보기
PHILLIPS. SIMONS E. V Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
1327 저널기사 1,6-Dimethyl-8β-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)aminomethyl]-10α-ergoline,'Lyserdol' 미리보기
SERANTONI, E. FORESTI Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
1328 저널기사 1,6-Epithio- and 1,6-episeleno-�D-glucopyranose: useful adjuncts in thesynthesis of 6-Deoxy-�D-glucopyranosides 미리보기
Stick, R. V Pergamon Press 1980
1329 저널기사 16 Fragen an 2 Dirigenten - Gerd Albrecht und Christoph Eschenbach antworten/ 미리보기
Lesle, Lutz 2001
1330 저널기사 16. Frankfurter Medienrechtstage 2019 미리보기
Lennart Börgmann Nomos 2019
1331 저널기사 16-Hydroxylated Withanolides from Exodeconus maritimus 미리보기
Gil, R. R American Society of Pharmacognosy 1997
1332 저널기사 16 Influence of the Guest Molecules on the Structural Organization of the Clathrates of Syndiotactic Poly(p-methylstyrene)/ 미리보기
Camera, Domenico La Wiley-VCH 2001
1333 저널기사 16 Interfacial Design in Fiber Reinforced Polymers/ 미리보기
M�der, Edith 2001
1334 저널기사 16. Mannheimer Arbeitsrechtstag 2022 am 9. März 2022 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2021
1335 저널기사 16 MORE RECALLS listed for failure to declare FD&C Yellow 5 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
1336 저널기사 16 Musculoskeletal 4: Tumors and Infection/ 미리보기
American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2001
1337 저널기사 16: Neonatal immunity: lessons and challenges/ 미리보기
Blackwell Scientific Publications 2003
1338 저널기사 16 Offshore Wind Farms Under Construction in Europe 미리보기
1339 저널기사 16 Opportunities and Protocol for the Teaching of Materials Science in Africa/ 미리보기
Sanderson, Ronald D 2001
1340 저널기사 16O-rich melilite in CO3.0 chondrites: possible formation of common, 16O-poor melilite by aqueous alteration/ 미리보기
Wasson, John T Pergamon Press 2001
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