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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1451281 저널기사 �Lactamase-catalysed hydrolysis of cephalexin: evolution of the cephalosporoate intermediate 미리보기
Vilanova, B Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1451282 저널기사 �Lactams by a nickel powder/acetic acid mediated radical cyclisation 미리보기
Quiclet-Sire, B Pergamon Press 1980
1451283 저널기사 �Lactams on solid support: mild and efficient removal of penicillin derivatives from Merrifield resin using aluminum chloride 미리보기
Mata, E. G Pergamon Press 1980
1451284 저널기사 �Lactoglobulin B: A Proposed Standard for the Study of Reversible Self-Association Reactions in the Analytical Ultracentrifuge? 미리보기
Joss, L. A Academic Press 1980
1451285 저널기사 �L-Arabinofuranosidase from cell walls of Japanese pear Fruits 미리보기
Tateishi, A Pergamon Press 1996
1451286 저널기사 �L-Arabinofuranosidases from Aspergillus terreus with Potential Application in Enology: Induction, Purification, and Characterization 미리보기
Le Clinche, F American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1997
1451287 저널기사 �Latrotoxin Receptor, Latrophilin, Is a Novel Member of the Secretin Family of G Protein-coupled Receptors 미리보기
Lelianova, V. G American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
1451288 저널기사 �L-Fucosyltransferases from Radish Primary Roots 미리보기
Misawa, H American Society of Plant Physiologists 1980
1451289 저널기사 �liane Escoubas : Philosophie de l'art versus esth�tique/ 미리보기
Schelling, F-W Editions de Minuit 2001
1451290 저널기사 �lie During : L'esth�tique, un r�gime instable - L'Inconscient esth�tique 미리보기
Ranci�re, Jacques Editions de Minuit 2001
1451291 저널기사 �Linolenic acid prevents the hypercholesteremic effects of cholesterol addition to a corn oil diet 미리보기
Loria, R. M Butterworths 1980
1451292 저널기사 �Linolenic acid reduces the lovastatin-induced rise in arachidonic acidand elevates cellular and lipoprotein eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid levels in Hep G2 cells 미리보기
Hrboticky, N Butterworths 1980
1451293 저널기사 �l�ments pour une autost�r�otypie/ 미리보기
Orace, St�phanie Editions du Seuil 2001
1451294 저널기사 �Melt-Mediated Crystallization of 1-Palmitoyl- 2-Oleoyl-3-Stearoyl-sn-Glycerol 미리보기
Rousset, P American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
1451295 저널기사 �Metathesis as a Critical Step for the Transition Metal Catalyzed Formation of Formic Acid from CO~2 and H~2? An Ab Initio Investigation' 미리보기
Hutschka, F VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
1451296 저널기사 �Methoxy-Benzylmetals : Original Synthesis and Reactivity 미리보기
Krief, A Pergamon Press 1980
1451297 저널기사 �Methylation of the Phe^7 and Trp^9 Melanotropin Side Chain Pharmacophores Affects Ligand-Receptor Interactions and Prolonged Biological Activity 미리보기
Haskell-Luevano, C American Chemical Society 1980
1451298 저널기사 �-Microglobulin Induces Stromelysin Production by Human Synovial Fibroblasts 미리보기
Migita, K Academic Press 1980
1451299 저널기사 �Nerve Growth Factor as a Mediator of the Acute Phase Response in Vivo 미리보기
Nonogaki, K Academic Press 1980
1451300 저널기사 �Nitrocycloalkanones as a source of �omega-dicarboxylic acid dimethyl esters 미리보기
Ballini, R Pergamon Press 1980
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