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1469161 저널기사 �Secretase processing of the �amyloid precursor protein in transgenic mice is efficient in neurons but inefficient in astrocytes 미리보기
Zhao, J American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
1469162 저널기사 �Si~3N~4 Whiskers Embedded in Oxynitride Glasses: Interfacial Microstructure 미리보기
Sun, E. Y American Ceramic Society 1980
1469163 저널기사 �SiAlON-Silicon Nitride Multilayered Composites 미리보기
Shigegaki, Y American Ceramic Society 1980
1469164 저널기사 �Silyl Diorganozinc Compounds - A New Class of Useful Zinc Reagents 미리보기
Berger, S VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
1469165 저널기사 �Silyl Effects on the Stabilities of Carbanions and Carbon-Centered Radicals Derived from Ethyl Thionacetates, Diethyl Malonates, and Ethyl Acetoacetates 미리보기
Zhang, S American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
1469166 저널기사 �spectrin is required for germline cell division and differentiation inthe Drosophila ovary 미리보기
De Cuevas, M Company of Biologists 1980
1469167 저널기사 �Spectrin is required for ovarian follicle monolayer integrity in Drosophila melanogaster 미리보기
Lee, J. K Company of Biologists 1980
1469168 저널기사 �Stacking and the co-ordinate bond: sometimes conflicting factors in molecular recognition, as revealed in the structures of metal picrates 미리보기
Harrowfield, J Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1469169 저널기사 �Substituted �diketones: effect of the �substituent on the complexation and selectivity for lanthanides 미리보기
Le, Q. T. H Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
1469170 저널기사 �Subunit Heterogeneity in N-type Ca^2^+ Channels 미리보기
Scott, V. E. S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
1469171 저널기사 �Subunit of Farnesyltransferase Is Phosphorylated in Vivo: Effect of Protein Phosphatase-1 on Enzymatic Activity 미리보기
Kumar, A Academic Press 1980
1469172 저널기사 �subunits influence the biophysical and pharmacological differences between P- and Q-type calcium currents expressed in a mammalian cell line 미리보기
Moreno, H National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
1469173 저널기사 �Synuclein in Lewy bodies 미리보기
Spillantinni, M. G Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
1469174 저널기사 �tale endomorphisms of algebraic surfaces with Gm-actions/ 미리보기
Masuda, Kayo J. Springer [etc.] 2001
1469175 저널기사 �tat pr�sent du fran�ais et des �tudes sur le fran�ais en Croatie/ 미리보기
Depierris, Djurdja Editions d'Artrey 2001
1469176 저널기사 �Thymosins are not simple actin monomer buffering proteins insights from overexpression studies 미리보기
Sun, H.-Q American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
1469177 저널기사 �Times Integrated Semigroups (��R^+) 미리보기
Mijatovic, M Academic Press 1980
1469178 저널기사 �tocopherol as a reductant for Cu(II) in human lipoproteins. Triggeringrole in the initiation of lipoprotein oxidation 미리보기
Kontush, A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
1469179 저널기사 �Tocopherol Concentrations in Milk and Plasma During Clinical Escherichia coli Mastitis 미리보기
Hogan, J. S American Dairy Science Association 1996
1469180 저널기사 �Tocopherol Influences In Vivo Indices of Lipid Peroxidation in Postmenopausal Women Given Fish Oil 미리보기
Wander, R. C Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
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