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1 저널기사 Beat the Odds in M&A Turnarounds 미리보기
Reeves, Martin; Faeste, Lars; Friedman, Daniel; Lotan, Hen Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2019
2 저널기사 Beyond Forecasting: Creating New Strategic Narratives In turbulent markets, it can be hard for established companies to choose new strategic directions. But by rethinking the past and present and reimagining the future, managers can construct strategic narratives that break from the status quo and enable innovation 미리보기
Kaplan, S.; Orlikowski, W. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2014
Acimovic, Jason; Lim, Michael K.; Mak, Ho-Yin Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
4 저널기사 Bill It, Kill It, or Keep It Free? 미리보기
Ulaga, Wolfgang; Michel, Stefan Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2019
5 저널기사 Blockchain Is Changing How Media and Entertainment Companies Compete 미리보기
Dutra, Andre; Tumasjan, Andranik; Welpe, Isabell M. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
6 저널기사 Breaking Logjams in Knowledge Work 미리보기
Dodge, Sheila; Kieffer, Don; Repenning, Nelson P. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
Lubin, D.A.; Esty, D.C. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2014
8 저널기사 Bringing Fun and Creativity to Work How do you inspire employees to become more motivated and perform better? By challenging them to test their creativity and collaboration skills through a team-based contest 미리보기
Kumar, H.; Raghavendran, S. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2014
9 저널기사 Building a More Intelligent Enterprise 미리보기
Schoemaker, Paul J. H.; Tetlock, Philip E. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2017
10 저널기사 Building an Ethically Strong Organization 미리보기
Bailey, Catherine; Shantz, Amanda Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
11 저널기사 Building a Well-Networked Organization 미리보기
Schweer, M.; Assimakopoulos, D.; Cross, R.; Thomas, R.J. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2012
12 저널기사 Building a Winning Business Model Portfolio 미리보기
Aversa, Paolo; Haefliger, Stefan; Reza, Danielle Giuliana Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2017
13 저널기사 Building Digital-Ready Culture in Traditional Organizations 미리보기
Westerman, George; Soule, Deborah L.; Eswaran, Anand Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2019
14 저널기사 Building Effective Business Relationships in China 미리보기
Chua, R.Y.J. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2012
15 저널기사 Building Scalable Business Models 미리보기
Nielsen, Christian; Lund, Morten Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
16 저널기사 Building the Right Ecosystem for Innovation 미리보기
Furr, Nathan; Shipilov, Andrew Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
17 저널기사 Building Your Company's Capabilities Through Global Expansion 미리보기
Lessard, D.; Lucea, R.; Vives, L. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2013
18 저널기사 Business Needs a Safety Net Government's long-ignored role in creating and sustaining market conditions should take center stage as climate events become both more common and more destructive 미리보기
Kiron, David; Unruh, Gregory Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
19 저널기사 The Benefits of Combining Data With Empathy 미리보기
Agarwal, R.; Weill, P. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2012
20 저널기사 The Benefits of Sustainability-Driven Innovation 미리보기
Kiron, D.; Kruschwitz, N.; Reeves, M.; Goh, E. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2013
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