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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Bayesian analysis of periodic integration 미리보기
Franses, Philip Hans Wiley 1997
2 저널기사 A Bayesian approach to modelling the observed bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic 미리보기
Cooper, J.D Wiley 1997
3 저널기사 A bootstrap simulation study in ARMA (p,q) structures 미리보기
Souza, R.C Wiley 1996
4 저널기사 A Bouncemeter for Measuring Resilience 미리보기
Rodriguez, F Wiley 1997
5 저널기사 A Boundary Element Method for Steady Viscous Fluid Flow using Penalty Function Formulation 미리보기
Grigoriev, M. M Wiley 1980
6 저널기사 A Boundary Element Method for Viscous Gravity Currents 미리보기
Betelu, S Wiley 1980
7 저널기사 A Bounded Convection Scheme for the Overlapping Control Volume Approach 미리보기
Verma, A. K Wiley 1980
8 저널기사 A BVAR model for the Connecticut economy 미리보기
Dua, Pami Wiley 1995
9 저널기사 Backpropagation in time-series forecasting 미리보기
Lachtermacher, Gerson Wiley 1995
10 저널기사 Bailing and Jailing the Fast and Frugal Way 미리보기
Dhami, M. K. WILEY 2001
11 저널기사 Bamboo Fiber-reinforced Polypropylene Composites: Crystallization and Interfacial Morphology 미리보기
Mi, Y Wiley 1997
12 저널기사 Barium Chloride Crosslinked Carboxymethyl Guar Gum Beads for Gastrointestinal Drug Delivery Published online 3 October 2001/ 미리보기
Thimma, R T Wiley 2001
13 저널기사 Barrier Behavior Hindering Zn^+^+ Diffusion from Cold Remote Nitrogen Plasma-Deposited Silicon Films 미리보기
Jama, C Wiley 1997
14 저널기사 Barrier Properties of a Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Polymer/ 미리보기
Ramathal, H Wiley 2003
15 저널기사 Bayesian Analysis, Computation and Communication Software 미리보기
Koop, G. WILEY 1999
16 저널기사 Bayesian Analysis, Computation and Communication Software 미리보기
Koop, Gary Wiley 1999
17 저널기사 Bayesian analysis of vector ARMA models using Gibbs sampling 미리보기
Ravishanker, Nalini Wiley 1997
18 저널기사 Bayesian Estimation of Manufacturing Effects in a Fuel Economy Model 미리보기
Andrews, R. W. WILEY 1993
19 저널기사 Bayesian Geoadditive Modelling of Breastfeeding Initiation in Nigeria 미리보기
Adebayo, S. B. WILEY 2004
20 저널기사 Bayesian Inference for Periodic Regime-switching Models 미리보기
Ghysels, E. WILEY 1998
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