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141 저널기사 Biointervention Makes Leather Processing Greener: An Integrated Cleansing and Tanning System/ 미리보기
Thanikaivelan, P American Chemical Society 2003
142 저널기사 Bioisosterism as a Molecular Diversity Descriptor: Steric Fields of Single "Topomeric" Conformers 미리보기
Cramer, R. D American Chemical Society 1980
143 저널기사 Biological and Conformational Examination of Stereochemical Modifications Using the Template Melanotropin Peptide, Ac-Nle-c[Asp-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Ala-Lys]-NH~2, on Human Melanocortin Receptors 미리보기
Haskell-Luevano, C American Chemical Society 1980
144 저널기사 Biological Assay of Vitamin E / 미리보기
Palmer, L.S American Chemical Society 1937
145 저널기사 Biological Dechlorination of Model Organochlorine Compounds in Bleached Kraft Mill Effluents 미리보기
Ying, Z American Chemical Society 1980
146 저널기사 Biologically Active Conformer of the Effector Region of Human C5a and Modulatory Effects of N-Terminal Receptor Binding Determinants on Activity 미리보기
Finch, A. M American Chemical Society 1980
147 저널기사 Biologically Active Heteroarotinoids Exhibiting Anticancer Activity and Decreased Toxicity 미리보기
Benbrook, D. M American Chemical Society 1980
148 저널기사 Biomagnification of DDT through the Benthic and Pelagic Food Webs of Lake Malawi, East Africa: Importance of Trophic Level and Carbon Source/ 미리보기
Kidd, Karen A American Chemical Society 2001
149 저널기사 Biomagnification Study on Organochlorine Compounds in Marine Aquaculture: The Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) as a Model/ 미리보기
Serrano, R American Chemical Society 2003
150 저널기사 Biomarkers in Fish from Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska: 1999-2000/ 미리보기
Huggett, R. J American Chemical Society 2003
151 저널기사 Biomass Byproducts for the Remediation of Wastewaters Contaminated with Toxic Metals/ 미리보기
Schneegurt, M A American Chemical Society 2001
152 저널기사 Biomass Gasification in Supercritical Water: Influence of the Dry Matter Content and the Formation of Phenols/ 미리보기
Kruse, A American Chemical Society 2003
153 저널기사 Biomedical Frontiers of Fluorine Chemistry 미리보기
Adejare, A American Chemical Society 1980
154 저널기사 Biomimetic Extraction of PAHs and PCBs from Soil with Octadecyl-Modified Silica Disks To Predict Their Availability to Earthworms/ 미리보기
Krauss, M American Chemical Society 2001
155 저널기사 Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy 미리보기
Hicks, R. P American Chemical Society 1980
156 저널기사 Bioorganic Chemistry: Nucleic Acids 미리보기
Wolff, M. E American Chemical Society 1980
157 저널기사 Biophysical Characterization of the Interactions of HTI-286 with Tubulin Heterodimer and Microtubules/ 미리보기
Krishnamurthy, G American Chemical Society 2003
158 저널기사 Biophysical Characterization of Zinc Ejection from HIV Nucleocapsid Protein by Anti-HIV 2,2'-Dithiobis[benzamides] and Benzisothiazolones 미리보기
Loo, J. A American Chemical Society 1980
159 저널기사 Bioreactors for Removing Methyl Bromide following Contained Fumigations/ 미리보기
Miller, L. G American Chemical Society 2003
160 저널기사 Bioremediation and Bioreduction of Dissolved U(VI) by Microbial Mat Consortium Supported on Silica Gel Particles/ 미리보기
Bender, J American Chemical Society 2000
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