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1 저널기사 A `Beautiful half hour of being a mere woman': The Feminist Subject and Temporary Solidarity 미리보기
Freedman, Lucy Brill Academic Publisher 2018
2 저널기사 Bankers, Finance Capital and the French Revolutionary Terror (1791-94) 미리보기
Heller, H. Brill Academic Publisher 2014
3 저널기사 Beating Time in the Slow Movements: Bensaïd's Revolutionary Rhythms 미리보기
LaFrance, Xavier; Sears, Alan Brill Academic Publisher 2016
4 저널기사 Between Revolution and the Racial Ghetto : Harold Cruse and Harry Haywood Debate Class Struggle and the `Negro Question', 1962-8 미리보기
Johnson, Cedric Brill Academic Publisher 2016
5 저널기사 Between Schelling and Marx: The Hegel of Slavoj Žižek A Review of Less than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism by Slavoj Žižek 미리보기
Cesarale, Giorgio Brill Academic Publisher 2016
6 저널기사 (Big) Society and (Market) Discipline: Social Investment and the Financialisation of Social Reproduction 미리보기
Harvie, David Brill Academic Publisher 2019
7 저널기사 Border Struggles: Migration, Subjectivity and the Common A Review of Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor by Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson 미리보기
Leonardi, Emanuele Brill Academic Publisher 2016
8 저널기사 Britain versus France: How Many Sonderwegs? 미리보기
Wood, Ellen Meiksins Brill Academic Publisher 2016
9 저널기사 British Capitalism and European Unification, from Ottawa to the Brexit Referendum 미리보기
Georgiou, Christakis Brill Academic Publisher 2017
10 저널기사 Building the Nazi Economy Adam Tooze and a Cultural Critique of Hitler's Plans for War 미리보기
Jaskot, P.B. Brill Academic Publisher 2014
11 저널기사 Bureaucratic Caesarism A Gramscian Outlook on the Crisis of Europe 미리보기
Keucheyan, Razmig; Durand, Cédric Brill Academic Publisher 2015
12 저널기사 The Blood of the Commonwealth War, the State, and the Making of World Money 미리보기
McNally, D. Brill Academic Publisher 2014
