61 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - Are Human Rights Universal? - More and more, the universality of human rights is being challenged. But groups such as the Taliban, who claim to stand for specific values, rarely speak for those they supposedly represent. Herewith a defense of truly global human rights./
Franck, Thomas M
Council on Foreign Relations]
62 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - The Great Divide in the Global Village - Why has the developing world become poorer as the industrialized nations have grown richer? Robust growth depends on a strong state that can enforce laws, yet many impoverished countries lack effective governance. And by strictly limiting immigration, rich countries deny the world's poor a chance to vote with their feet./
Scott, Bruce R
Council on Foreign Relations]
63 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - The Question of Hegemony - America's predominance in the world has become the rallying cry of both liberals and conservatives in Washington. But this so-called New Wilsonianism is untenable: As history shows, a superpower inevitably invites opposition./
Pfaff, William
Council on Foreign Relations]
64 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - The Spirit of Capitalism - The economist Hernando de Soto argues in his new book that property rights are an essential ingredient for economic development. But this single-bullet theory would do better by noting the complex cultural factors that also affect growth./
Samuelson, Robert J
Council on Foreign Relations]
65 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - Toward Global Parliament - In international politics, transnational interest groups are gaining clout -- But they lack an institution to represent them. Civil society must make its many voices heard. The global era needs a global parliament./
Falk, Richard
Council on Foreign Relations]
66 |
Bridging the Globalization Gap - Will the Nation-State Survive Globalization? - Doomsayers predict that globalization will weaken national governments. They should bite their tongues. Global governance will of course grow in step with economic integration. But it will actually express and promote, rather than suppress, the interests of nation-states./
Wolf, Martin
Council on Foreign Relations]
67 |
Bridging the Gulf : How to Fix U.S. Relations With the GCC
Goldenberg, Ilan; Dalton, Melissa G.
Council on Foreign Relations]
68 |
Bringing in the East
Lewis, Flora
Council on Foreign Relations
69 |
Britain in the New Europe
Smith, Geoffrey
Council on Foreign Relations
70 |
Broken BRICs
Sharma, R.
Council on Foreign Relations]
71 |
Building a New NATO
Asmus, Ronald D.
Council on Foreign Relations
72 |
Building on Success Opportunities for the Next Administration
Biden, Joseph R.
Council on Foreign Relations]
73 |
Buildup and Brakdown
Strobe Talbott
Council on Foreign Relations
74 |
Buildup and Breakdown
Talbott, Strobe
Council on Foreign Relations
75 |
Burmese Days
Aung-Thwin, Maureen
Council on Foreign Relations
76 |
Bursting China's Bubble
Hornik, Richard
Council on Foreign Relations
77 |
Business and Foreign Policy
Garten, J. E
Council on Foreign Relations]
78 |
Business, Government and Science
John Diebold
Council on Foreign Relations
79 |
Business, Government and Science: The Need for a Fresh Look
Diebold, John
Council on Foreign Relations
80 |
Byron Dexter (1900-1973)
Council on Foreign Relations